Sister Mary Karla Fritz, OP
Springfield Dominican Sister Mary Karla Fritz died June 7, 2018, at St. John’s Hospital. She was born near Herscher, Ill., in 1930, and baptized Veronica Florence by her parents, Carl G. and Mary Anne Heimburger Fritz. She made her profession of vows in 1954 at Sacred Heart Convent. Sister M. Karla ministered nearly 30 years as a music educator in Illinois’ elementary schools throughout northern and central Illinois. In the 1970s she was principal, eighth grade teacher, and […]
Read MoreDominican Sisters Launch Ministry of Mutual Support for Women
Springfield, Ill.—At a time when women are finding their voices and creating a wave of energy that offers hope for positive change in U.S. culture and in the Catholic Church, the Dominican Sisters of Springfield have launched a new ministry of mutual support for young women who seek to be a part of the change they want to see. The mission of Cor Unum—Latin for “One Heart”—is to be “a place of mutual support for young women […]
Read More"We all long for peace in this land" Sister Mila in Jerusalem
Springfield Dominican Sister Mila Diaz Solano resides in Jerusalem where she is completing her doctoral thesis at the École Biblique et Archéologique, a French academic establishment in Jerusalem, founded by Dominicans, and specializing in archaeology and Biblical exegesis. Today she shared with her Dominican sisters in the United States and Peru her experience of the past weeks of violence in Israel and at the border fence in Gaza, set in motion, in part, by the relocation of the […]
Read MoreCelebrating the 2018 Jubilarians
It is a rare thing to be able to count life-commitment milestones in multiples of 25. In 2018 we are blessed with ten such milestones for our sisters who have been faithful to living the evangelical counsels for 25, 50, and even 75 years. Enjoy these brief reflections from these remarkable women—our sisters—who, in being faithful to God, to the people of God, and to one another, have revealed a secret to happiness and fulfillment—living a life of […]
Read More"Whose Hands did You hold?"
New Dominican Associates are challenged to “Construct the Village” Make Commitment to Prayer, Service, Study, Community Springfield Dominican Associate Class of 2018. New associates are noted in bold type. All others in the photo are sister- and associate sponsors of the new associates. Row 1: Sister Catherine Mary Currie, Nancy Kaz, Sister Agnes Ann Pisel, Sister M. Gael Daly, Sister Ancilla Caulfield, Shirley Harrison, Sister Mary Jean Traeger. Row 2: Dietgard Hunsley, Sister Anita Cleary, Joe Beltz, […]
Read MoreNew Director: Jubilee Farm is a Place to Care for and Reverence the Land
Springfield, Ill.—Sister Rose Marie Riley, the new director for Jubilee Farm, says she is looking forward to continuing the long Springfield Dominican tradition of holding the eco-spirituality center’s 164 acres as a “place to care for and reverence the land and all of the creatures who inhabit it.” Sister Rose Marie, who begins her new role in August, was on the congregation’s leadership team when the land was purchased in 1999, oversaw its management during two terms as […]
Read MoreSister Marion Sitkiewitz, OP
Springfield Dominican Sister Marion Sitkiewitz (formerly Sister Peter Claver) died May 14, 2018, at Sacred Heart Convent. She was born in Chicago in 1928 to Peter and Lucy Bonk Sitkiewitz. She made her profession of vows in 1951 at Sacred Heart Convent. Sister Marion ministered for most of her life as an educator. First, she was a primary school teacher, then spent many years as a religious education specialist in parishes in central and northern Illinois. She loved […]
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