Enjoy the podcast!
Two Springfield Dominican Sisters and two associates answer the question “What attracted you to the Dominican Family?” Hear stories from associates Vicki Schmidt and Kara Mernaugh and Sisters Bernice Juip and Denise Glazik about how being Dominican enriches and shapes their lives.

How do I become a
Dominican Associate?
If you are a baptized Christian and at least 21 years old, you are eligible to seek candidacy. After being accepted into the program, Associate candidates complete a nine-month formation process in which candidates study dimensions of church and Dominican life as they are interwoven in study, prayer, community and ministry. The structured phase of the formation process concludes with a one-day retreat during which candidates discern their next step of commitment. The Associate relationship is formalized and celebrated through a commitment ceremony held at Sacred Heart Convent in Springfield, IL.
The Dominican Family has room for Everyone.
Classes run from September-May each year. The next class begins in September 2025. Contact Sister M. Joan Sorge for more information.
Dominican Associates
Springfield Dominican Associates are men and women who embrace the Dominican traditions of prayer, study, community, and ministry. They respond to God's call to share the Gospel by preaching it through the witness of their lives.
To explore participation in a 9-month program of discernment for associate commitment you might:
- Contact Sister M. Joan Sorge, OP, with your questions to learn more about how to become a Springfield, Illinois Dominican Associate.
- View one of the Associate Formation Candidate Sessions
- Read our brochure.
- Peek at the 2024-2025 associate candidate formation schedule.
Associate Formation Candidate Session:
Living a Balanced Life
Sister M. Joan Sorge, OP
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Our Mission
Springfield Dominican Associates are called to embody the Dominican charism, hear and proclaim God’s Word, and promote the dignity of all persons. We commit ourselves to lives rooted in prayer, study, community and ministry. Through our diverse gifts we strive to participate in the mission of the Church by putting into action our call to preach the Word with our lives.
Uncover the light of the Gospel in the world
- Deepen your relationship with God and God’s people.
- Use your unique gifts.
- Embrace your role as leaven for a world in search of meaning.
Monthly meetings will allow you to explore:
- The life of St. Dominic and the work of the order he founded, the Order of Preacher
- The gifts the Dominicans bring to the church and the orders’ characteristic life of prayer and spirituality
- The witness of Dominican saints like: Catherine of Siena, Thomas Aquinas and Rose of Lima
- The history and ministry of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield
- Your own relationship to God and God’s people
- The role of the baptized as leaven for the world in search of meaning
Reasons to become a Dominican Associate:
A call to share the Gospel,
A longing to pray, study and serve with others,
A desire to preach the Word with our lives.

We fill each other with spiritual strength and we then take that strength out to give to others who may need help to bear the cross.
Patty Fitzpatrick
Dominican Associate Mission
We, Dominican Associates of Springfield, Illinois
are called to
embody the Dominican charism,
hear and proclaim God’s word, and
promote the dignity of all persons.
We commit ourselves to lives rooted in
prayer, study, community and ministry.
Through our gifts of diversity,
we strive to participate in the mission
of the church
by putting into action our call
to preach the word with our lives.

I find that my faith has grown in reading and discerning God’s word as well as in finding the courage and strength to DO God’s word.
Nancy Armstrong
I’m ever so grateful all these years for the support, friendship, and interaction with the sisters and associates who have been with me on this journey.
Fran Fischer
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Mission and Ministry
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Sister Elyse Marie Ramirez, OP and Veronica Espina
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Mission and Ministry
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Sister Elyse Marie Ramirez, OP
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St. Dominic and St. Catherine:
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Sister Susan Karina Dickey, OP, PhD
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St. Dominic and St. Catherine:
The Call to Preach in Every Age
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Sister Susan Karina Dickey, OP, PhD