
JUST Words

Dismantling Racism:
collaborative study at its best

This story by John Freml first appeared in the winter 2018 issue of Just Words. “Just because there are more people at the table, it doesn’t mean they all feel safe.” “One anti-bias training can’t undo a lifetime of bias training.” “If you’ve never seen anti-racism before, how do you know what it looks like?” […]

Dismantling Racism:
collaborative study at its best
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Dominican Sisters: Building Relationships in a Disconnected World

In preparation for our upcoming General Chapter, we invited some of our sisters, friends, and associates to talk about how they see the sisters following the Spirit’s lead into the future. The Winter 2019 issue of JUST Words pulled their thoughts together, but there was more good stuff than we could include in the print

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“Let the Call Be Heard!” Associates in Action

Three hundred fifty-one active associates, eighty-one prayer associates and eighteen candidates in formation have heard the call to partner with the Springfield Dominicans in uncovering the light and truth of the Gospel in the world. Their Mission calls Associates to proclaim God’s Word with their daily lives. This year, associates and sisters are studying an

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Dominican Religious Life: An Historical Perspective

This article by Sister Susan Karina Dickey, OP, first appeared in the Fall 2017 JUST Words under the title Rehabilitating Dominican Religious Life: An Historical Perspective. Something new One of the memorable things about St. Dominic was his willingness to try something new while borrowing and adapting from the past. For example, the idea of

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A Place in the Chapel

by Sister Kathleen Anne Tait, OP, Director of Mission Advancement, Dominican Sisters of Springfield The light streaming through the windows of our motherhouse chapel radiates the warmth of God’s love. That light also reminds us of the generations of sisters and associates and friends who have prayed in this space and discovered that love. Today

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“Forget Yourself
And Think of Others”
Volunteering and Jesus’ Mission

This story by Sister Geraldine Kemper, OP,  first appeared in JUST Words, Winter 2018. Many organizations depend on volunteers to achieve their mission. What motivating force compels someone to volunteer time, knowledge, energy, and love? Pope Francis said during an audience last March, “Love and charity are service, helping others, serving others. There are many

“Forget Yourself
And Think of Others”
Volunteering and Jesus’ Mission
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God is good!
Dominican Associate
Enlarges the Circle of Compassion

When Alexis Williams became a Dominican associate candidate, her world view was already aligned with the values of justice and peace promoted by the Dominicans of Springfield. Understanding the moral imperative to be generous with the blessings she had received, Alexis responded to an announcement at her parish, St Irenaeus, Park Forest, Ill., about the

God is good!
Dominican Associate
Enlarges the Circle of Compassion
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