
JUST Words

Reflections on cross-cultural ministry

A sister and an associate talk about their ministry in cross-cultural settings By Carolyn White Indigenous Americans Sister Barbara Bogenschutz recently returned to Fort Belknap Reservation, Mont., where she first began her ministry among Native Americans in 1999. Since then, she also served as a pastoral leader among the Anishinaabe at Red Cliff, Wisc., and

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Our magazine JUST Words is preaching the Gospel

Our sisters preach in many ways. Our magazine, JUST Words, is one example. Our preaching mission—bequeathed to us by the founder of the Order of Preachers, St. Dominic—takes on many forms. Especially in this time of technological advance, there are many ways to share the gospel with the world! Our magazine, JUST Words, is one great example

Our magazine JUST Words is preaching the Gospel Read More »

A visual guide to the Dominican Family in the U.S.

The Dominican Sisters of Springfield are one of nineteen congregations of sisters in the Dominican Sisters Conference with a presence in the U.S. Fourteen of these congregations are participants in contemplative discernment and conversation about a future for the Dominican mission in the United States. This is what the 2024 Chapter Statement means by collaborative

A visual guide to the Dominican Family in the U.S. Read More »

Recognizing who we are together

The “listeners” reflect on general chapter Sisters Susan Karina Dickey, left and Sharon Zayac read the responses from chapter participants. JUST Words invited the sisters who served as listeners during General Chapter to talk about their experience. We edited the conversation into a Q&A format to capture their insights. Sister Susan Karina Dickey is vice-president

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Reconocer quiénes somos juntos

Las “escritoras” reflexionan sobre el capítulo general JUST Words invitó a las hermanas que sirvieron como oyentes y, en última instancia, escritoras de la declaración del capítulo general de 2024, a hablar sobre su experiencia. Esta conversación editada captura sus ideas. La hermana Susan Karina Dickey es vicepresidenta de la oficina de integración de la

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Doing our part…Doing what needs to be done

A religious community’s general chapter, like the one we just completed in April, is, ultimately, a commitment of the sisters to do their part and do what is needed for others. A chapter also requires prayer, contemplative dialog, and direction-setting for the coming five years. Ultimately it boils down to each sister doing her part

Doing our part…Doing what needs to be done Read More »

New associates join Dominican sisters in Peru

Twelve Peruvian women and men made their commitment as Springfield Dominican associates during a hybrid ceremony that spanned the distance between Lima and Springfield on Sunday, June 2. Seven of them are shown here, with the associate director for Peru, Sister Betty Vila Alania, second from right. For the first time, North American sisters and

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“Que vengan los niños”: las dominicas y el desarrollo de la fe de los niños

Por Carolyn White Aunque menos religiosas tienem ministerio en las aulas, no han perdido su amor por acompañar a los jóvenes en su camino de fe. He aquí un vistazo de cómo las hermanas dominicas de Springfield y sus asociados están en colaboración al servicio de los y las jóvenes, apoyando su formación en la

“Que vengan los niños”: las dominicas y el desarrollo de la fe de los niños Read More »

The Associate Antiracism Committee: A Valuable Link with SDART

By Daphne Skretvedt There are more than 400 Springfield Dominican associates spread over a wide geographic area in the U.S and Peru. Called to embody the Springfield Dominican charism, they share the sisters’ commitment to understanding and dismantling systemic racism in all spheres of life. The core of this effort is the work of SDART,

The Associate Antiracism Committee: A Valuable Link with SDART Read More »

Ministry of presence makes impact on real-life outcomes

The power of a few: Sisters at Marian Catholic are a transforming presence for students, parents Sister Jean Patrice Schingel has served at Marian Catholic High School, Chicago Heights, Ill., since 1995 as theology teacher, then as department chair, 2005-2019. Since 2020 she has worked in the Bracha Tutoring Center, Marian Catholic’s in-house academic tutoring

Ministry of presence makes impact on real-life outcomes Read More »

Building relationships that change lives

By Carolyn White While fewer sisters are ministering in classrooms, they haven’t lost their love of accompanying young people on their faith journeys. Here’s a glimpse at how Springfield Dominican sisters and associates are in partnership at the service of young folks, supporting their faith development and encouraging their personal and spiritual growth. Learning empathy

Building relationships that change lives Read More »

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