
Global Peace

Dominican justice NGO publishes 2023 report

Focus on Guatemala, DRC, Philippines, Solomon Islands, a collaborative project of Dominicans Worldwide The annual report of Dominicans for Justice and Peace, published recently, is a window into the global collaborative work of the Order of Preachers. Among the accomplishments of this organization, which serves the Order as the Permanent Delegation to the United Nations, […]

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“Deeply Dramatic”—Dominicans in Krakow Welcome Ukrainian Refugees

Father Andrzej carries a mattress to an apartment for refugee families. Each family has its own kitchen, bathroom, and washing machine. All maintenance costs are covered by the Dominicans. by Fr. Andrzej Mońka, OP. This article originally appeared in the Summer 2022 issue of JUSTWords. View online copy here. It was obvious to us from

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Dominican Sisters of Springfield Join Catholic Sisters Nationwide to Call for Action on Gun Safety

“Organizations representing tens of thousands of Catholic sisters and associates across the United States are calling for an end to gun violence and immediate Congressional action to stop the bleeding and dying in our schools and cities,” said Sister Marcelline Koch, the justice promoter for the Springfield Dominicans. “We stand with them.” The leadership of

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A Springfield Tradition Returns: Churches Reconvene for Good Friday Way of the Cross

Springfield, Ill.—For the first time since Good Friday 2019, an ecumenical group of Springfield faith communities will gather in front of the State Supreme Court Building on Good Friday, April 15, to begin the Good Friday Way of the Cross, an annual event in Springfield for more than 30 years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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A Message from the Dominican Sisters and Friars in Ukraine

Updated June 13, 2022, 9 a.m. CST Updates From Our Dominican Family in Ukraine Here is an update from Kyiv by Father Jarosław Krawiec, Vicar Provincial of the Dominican Province of St. Hyacinth. Dear Sisters, Dear Brothers, Today I made a phone call to an older woman whose son fights on the frontlines. “Good morning, this

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Dominican Month of Peace: Our Family in Myanmar

The Humanitarian Situation in Myanmar As a result of the fast spreading of civil war, the civilians had to flee for safety either to the jungle or to other villages or towns where they considered safer. In the conflict zones, the military forces would shoot anyone found in the streets and arrest anyone caught de­livering

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The Dominican Family in Myanmar Needs Your Help

Our Dominican Family in Myanmar needs your prayer and action today. Since the military coup there on February 1 the country has been in chaos, with a brutal crackdown on dissent and attempts to silence the country’s media. On Nov. 11 the United Nations Security Council issued a rare, unanimous call for an immediate end

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Sisters Anita Cleary, Judi Hilbing, and Pat Stark

Life at the Border: Simple Toys, New Shoes, and Solidarity

Disturbing images of children at the border were flooding the daily news. During the height of the immigration crisis, an invitation went out for volunteers to minister to those arriving in Texas to be processed through Catholic Charities of Laredo. In collaboration with a larger initiative of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), the

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A Prayer for Pope Francis’ Trip to Iraq

Download a PDF. Lord our God, Grant Pope Francis health and safety to carry out successfully this eagerly awaited visit. Bless his effort to promote dialogue, enhance fraternal reconciliation, build confidence, consolidate peace values and human dignity, especially for us Iraqis who have been through painful “events” that affected our lives. Lord, our Creator, enlighten

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Dominican Women at the United Nations: Changing the Narrative One Story at a Time

For many years the world-wide Dominican Family has had representatives at the United Nations, in New York and Geneva, to amplify the voices of the people we accompany in every corner of the globe. Later this month, at the end of the two-week annual UN assembly of the Commission on the Status of Women, the

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Sister Beth Murphy with Iraqi Dominican friar Yousif Attisha during the 2010 gathering in Erbil of Dominicans serving in the Arab world.

Pope Francis Announces Trip to Iraq in 2021

Sister Beth Murphy with Iraqi Dominican friar Yousif Attisha during the 2010 gathering in Erbil of Dominicans serving in the Arab world. Father Attisha passed in 2019.   Pope Francis announces trip to Iraq, which means an encounter with Dominicans, most likely. Iraq may be “out of sight-out of mind” for most Americans, but that

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Dominican Month for Peace: Ukraine

After three years of demonstrating global Dominican solidarity with our brothers and sisters who are working to bring hope in situations of violence and war, the Dominican Month for Peace has now become a regular part of the annual program of our Dominican Family. We started with a Latin American focus on Colombia in 2017.

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COVID—19 Coronavirus Statement from the Master of the Dominican Order

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear? The Lord is my life’s refuge; of whom should I be afraid? For God will hide me in his shelter in time of trouble, He will conceal me in the cover of his tent. Psalm 27:1,5 Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Dominican

COVID—19 Coronavirus Statement from the Master of the Dominican Order Read More »

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