

US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking

How Catholic Sisters Help Survivors Thrive!

Human trafficking is a $150 billion business. As a member of Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking, the Dominican Sisters of Springfield are part of a global network working to end this dehumanizing criminal enterprise. In this webinar you will hear from Sister Kathlyn Mulcahy, a Springfield Dominican Sister and director of Bethany House, a Chicago […]

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Springfield Dominican Sisters Respond to Verdict of Derek Chauvin Trial

A Statement from the Leadership of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield Regarding the Verdict of the Derek Chauvin Trial   For the loved ones of George Floyd, the people of Minnesota, and all people bent under the weight of systemic racism, yesterday’s verdict in the Derek Chauvin murder trial was a graced reminder that the

Springfield Dominican Sisters Respond to Verdict of Derek Chauvin Trial Read More »

Catholic Sisters Week logo

Feeding Hungers: A Catholic Sisters Week Reflection

“If you can’t breathe nothing else matters” says a friend of the Dominican Sisters who is a respiratory therapist. Other physiological needs are equally important. If you can’t breathe, if you are physically hungry, if you are cold, tired, and without shelter, there is little else you can be attentive to. When needs for safety,

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32 Ways to Live Less Violently

This article was originally published in the Winter 2020-2021 Edition of JUST Words. Recognizing our interconnectedness in the cosmos, we have embraced the common call toward communion with God and all creation. Non-violence is an integral part of that journey—a journey which is both inward and outward. Awareness motivates behavior; behavior strengthens one’s internal orientation.

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handwritten notes from anti-racism workshop

Active Nonviolence: To Celebrate, Contemplate, and Live

This article was originally published in the Winter 2020-2021 Edition of JUST Words. Susan M. Hickman is a Springfield Dominican associate and a member of the sisters’ Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Committee. Recently I was privileged to participate in a Pax Christi United Kingdom workshop on nonviolence. The sessions took place over five

Active Nonviolence: To Celebrate, Contemplate, and Live Read More »

image of building on fire during looting

“What Happened Here?” Understanding the Survival Trauma Response as a Step Toward Healing

This article was originally published in the Winter 2020-2021 Edition of JUST Words. Sister Judine Hilbing reflects: It was the feast of the Visitation, a day to remember Mary as she ran with joyful news to her cousin Elizabeth. It was also the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend and COVID-19 had cancelled all hope of

“What Happened Here?” Understanding the Survival Trauma Response as a Step Toward Healing Read More »

dark, tattered USA flag

Springfield Dominican Sisters Respond to Nation’s Crisis

There is hope when the nation acknowledges it failings and pledges to renew a sacred commitment to the common good. The social justice office and the leadership of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield issued a statement today pledging their prayer, energies, and “collective desire for national healing and renewal” in a statement issued today responding

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Give. Pray. Learn. Share.

Springfield Dominican Antiracism Team member Doug King enjoys a remote connection with team member Daphne Skretvedt during one of the last in-person team meetings in the fall of 2019. The next team meeting Sept. 11-12, 2020, will be completely virtual. Make the Difference! Join the Springfield Dominican Sisters Antiracism Mission. We’re near the end of

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Leaving the Upper Room of Fear:
Post Lock-down Life and Hope

This preaching on Romans 8:14-28 was given for The Community Room, a virtual gathering of Springfield Dominican Sisters and Associates, on May 28. That was after the murder of George Floyd but before the nation and world erupted in protests that are  changing the landscape of racial injustice around the globe. A few years ago,

Leaving the Upper Room of Fear:
Post Lock-down Life and Hope
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Proud Corazón: The Art of Rosary High School Student Gabriela Diaz

Gabriela Diaz is a student at Rosary High School, Aurora, Ill., a sponsored institution of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield. Her artwork and her reflection on it were shared with the Springfield Dominican Antiracism Team (SDART) at the January 2020 meeting in Springfield. This essay and her artwork are shared with her permission. This piece

Proud Corazón: The Art of Rosary High School Student Gabriela Diaz Read More »

Racial Justice: Claiming Our Oneness in Christ

 Sister Rebecca Ann Gemma, OP, prioress general of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, preached at the first of a series of Evening Prayer & Preaching events scheduled at Sacred Heart Convent for 2020. Learn more here. Her text was Philippians 2:1-11. Peter Scazzero, the author of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, is quoted as saying, “Jesus may

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SIAN Honored for Defending Human Rights

Assisting and advocating  for immigrants in Springfield The volunteer labor of area citizens, including several Springfield Dominican Sisters, our partners and associates, was honored Sept. 21 with an award that recognized the importance of supporting human rights. The Springfield Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union honored the Springfield Immigrant Advocacy Network with its 2019

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