“Talk about giving your life to God”—A story of friendship, service, and call
Sister M. Trinita shares her friendship with Sister Margaret Held and Sister Paula Merrill, the two sisters whose murder in Mississippi last week has shocked the nation. Yesterday afternoon I called Sister Mary Trinita at the community health clinic she’s run for twenty years in Jackson, Miss., wondering if she knew the two sisters who were murdered last week in the nearby town of Durant. The […]
Read MoreDominican Sisters Win Cultural Diversity Award from National Senior Care Organization
LeadingAge Recognizes Sisters’ Anti-racism Efforts The Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois, have been selected to receive the 2016 Hobart Jackson Cultural Diversity Award from LeadingAge, a national association representing 6,000 nonprofit aging-services organizations throughout the United States. The award recognizes the Dominican Sisters’ “Conscious, committed effort to dismantle racism wherever it exists,” according to the award letter. “Through education, organization, and numerous collaborations, the Dominican Sisters are engaging with city, public school and state agencies, as well as […]
Read More11 steps to Engaged Citizenship
How to make sure you’re ready to vote on November 8 We’re about eleven weeks out from the Presidential elections. Are you on top of the issues and concerns you’ll address with the pull of a lever or the punch of a stylus on November 8? If not, here are eleven ways to prepare for your civic duty in national, state, and local elections. Tackle one step a week. By election day you’ll be ready to cast […]
Read MoreThe Sisters from OLG: Where are they now?
Curious about the sisters who taught you? Lots of memories and stories float around the community from places we’ve served a very long time, like at Our Lady of Grace Parish in Chicago where we’ve served happily for 100 years. Here’s a gift to our friends at OLG: We’ve rounded up a few of your former teachers and principals and invited them to share their memories of life at the intersection of Ridgeway and Altgeld. Enjoy the walk […]
Read MoreSafe Travels Sister Kelly!
Sister Kelly Moline, OP made her way past a group of sisters wishing her a safe trip this morning. Sisters gave the blessing for travelers—it was a tearful, yet joyful goodbye. Say a prayer of Sister Kelly as she begins her two year ministry at the St. Martin DePorres Convent on the south side of Chicago. Sister Barbra Blesse shared an old family saying, and a tissue, to help lift Sister Kelly’s spirit: “Nothing is so bad that […]
Read MoreHappy Feast Day of Saint Dominic 2016!
Happy Feast Day of Saint Dominic! Celebrate the day by watching an interview with the author of a new book about St. Dominic. The interview was on 4/29/2016 at Sacred Heart Convent in Springfield, Illinois. Fr. Donald Goergen, OP was interviewed by Sister Beth Murphy, OP about all things Dominican and his new book: St. Dominic: The Story of a Preaching Friar. Pick up the book here. [youtube]https://youtu.be/bOLoMcZdMiY[/youtube]
Read MoreSister Kelly Moline, OP, Professes First Vows
Springfield Dominicans Welcome Sister Kelly Moline During 800th Anniversary Year of the Order of Preachers Sister Kelly Moline professed her first vows during the Eucharistic liturgy today at Sacred Heart Convent during the 800th jubilee year for the Order of Preachers. Her pronunciation of vows came in response to the question asked her by Sister Rebecca Ann Gemma, prioress general: “In your desire to follow Christ, are you resolved to live in chastity for the sake of the […]
Read MoreDominican Sisters Conference decries race-based violence; calls for soul-searching engagement
U.S. Dominican Sisters issued a statement calling for “personal and national soul-searching” as a step toward eradicating the racist systems that wound our nation. Already engaged in efforts to dismantle racism, the Springfield Dominican Sisters support the statement issued by the Dominican Sisters Conference on behalf of the 19 member-congregations of U.S. Dominicans. “We are deeply pained and outraged at the increase in the number of police killings of innocent African American citizens—an alarming indicator of the way […]
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