What is the Call to Leadership?
Invitation “The Call to leadership is deeply expressed by inviting others to use their gifts, providing opportunities for this, and promoting the common good.”Sister Rebecca Ann Gemma, OP Meet Sister Rebecca Ann Solidarity “Leadership urges me to journey in this service in solidarity with the rostros concretos of the marginalized.”Sister Mila Díaz Solano, OP Meet Sister Mila SharedDecision-Making “A call to leadership is a response to the movement of the collective. In a religious congregation, leadership is exercised […]
Read MoreStop the Inhumanity! Take Action for Immigrant Children!
Rosary in Solidarity with Catholic Day of Action for Immigrant Children 6:00 p.m. Thursday, July 18 Sacred Heart Convent Chapel 1237 W Monroe Street Springfield, IL 62704 We are alarmed by the way the U.S. Government is treating children and families at our border. This erosion of human rights is unacceptable. This is not who we are as a people. We are called by the gospel to help the least among us as citizens of this country. As […]
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Sisters Join SIAN;
Call for Solidarity
With Local Immigrants
Springfield Immigrant Advocacy Network (SIAN) Calls City to Stand Together and Strengthen Immigrant Support As members of the Springfield Immigrant Advocacy Network (SIAN), the Springfield Dominican Sisters join the call to all community organizers, faith, civic organizations, and advocates and partners in the city to stand with local immigrants and refugees as Immigrant and Customs Enforcement (ICE) begins raids across the country. “As SIAN, we stand together with our immigrants and refugees through Springfield and Illinois against fear, […]
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Dominican Friars Elect
First Asian Master General
On July 13, 2019, the Order of Preachers welcomed the 87th successor of St. Dominic de Guzman, in the person of Father Gerard Francisco Parco Timoner III, OP, a member of the Dominican Province of the Philippines and first Asian Master of the Order. The election took place during the Elective General Chapter of the men’s branch of the Dominican Family held in Bien Hoa, Vietnam. This was the first General Chapter for the Dominican men held in […]
Read MoreThree Things You Can Do to Help People in Detention on the U.S.-Mexico Border
Every day we learn more about the appalling conditions facing children, women, and men in detention centers along our southern border. The situation is unconscionable. If you are like me, you might feel overwhelmed and paralyzed by the images of children and adults housed in overcrowded filthy conditions, conditions that fail to respect their dignity as persons. Please do not look away. You can help. Tell your members of Congress you support legislation to provide emergency funding for […]
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Exploring the Feast:
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
The feast of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart was May 25. When our sisters moved to Springfield from Jacksonville in 1893, the new convent was named the Convent of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and we became known as the Dominican Sisters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. So you could say May 25 is our patronal feast day. This obscure title of Mary has long intrigued me, so I offer this short reflection. Every […]
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How to Avoid the Paralysis Trap:
What to do when you think
You can’t do anything
This is one of life’s challenges: When we realize the magnitude of danger facing humanity and Earth because of climate change, it seems sensible to hide under the covers rather than get out of bed. When we notice our values and freedoms being eroded everyday by people who purport to protect them, it is easiest to joke about seeking asylum across our northern border. When we face news stories about the in human treatment of children, women, and […]
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