Sister Charlotte Rebbe, OP
Sister Charlotte’s Services Private burial at Calvary Cemetery on Monday, April 13. A memorial mass, celebrated by Sister Charlotte’s nephew Father Steve Pohlman, will be held at Sacred Heart Convent at a later date. In lieu of flowers or visits, donations may be made to the Dominican Sisters Retirement Fund, 1237 W. Monroe St., Springfield, IL, 62704.The Dominican Sisters and family of Sister Charlotte are served by Staab Funeral Homes. Visit to offer your condolences. Springfield Dominican […]
Read MoreLiving the Meaning of Holy Days
Did you hear about the people who decided, in the midst of this extraordinary COVID19 crisis, that they needed to haul down from the attic, up from the basement, or out of the garage rafters—Christmas? Perhaps we aren’t feeling as brave now as we were early in the days of shelter-in-place, before the magnitude of what we face sunk in, when parents thought it a good idea to summon Christmas cheer in an effort to distract children, or […]
Read MoreHoly Week at Home: Resources for the Domestic Church
Triduum observance Here are some resources for you if you are at a loss for how to best observe the Triduum, the three day liturgical season that precedes Easter and consists of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Saturday, including the Easter Vigil. Less is more A bit of advice: less may be better. These resources are not meant to fill up every corner of your life. So go easy. Choose one or two ways to meet your […]
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Finding Hope in Isolation:
Springfield Dominicans Open Hands,
Hearts During Global Pandemic
About the photo: Sister Linda Hayes sews surgical masks at St. Rose Convent in Springfield. You can’t grasp hope “Hope isn’t anything you can grasp,” Sister Kelly said, pausing for a thought then adding “It has to be received.” Then, as she stretched out her hands and looked at them, you could see the insight before it arrived. “To do that you have to let go of what you are holding,” she said. The impact of Sister Kelly’s […]
Read MoreSister Mary Stephanie Kapusta, OP
Sister M. Stephanie’s Services Because of the COVID19 outbreak no visitation or funeral mass is planned. Private burial services will be held at Calvary Cemetery on Thursday, March 26. A memorial mass will be celebrated at Sacred Heart Convent on a date to be determined. In lieu of flowers, or visits, donations may be made to the Dominican Sisters Retirement Fund, 1237 W. Monroe St., Springfield, IL, 62704.The Dominican Sisters and family of Sister M. Stephanie are served […]
Read MoreWorkplace Values Captured in a T-shirt at Sacred Heart Convent
Coworkers elected from their respective departments met at the Cor Unum House to work on the final T-shirt design the first week of February. After a couple of hours, a true collaborative result emerged. Co-workers come together at the Cor Unum House to design the new t-shirt. A hallmark of effective workplaces is the demonstrated ability of employees to articulate the values their organization lives by. That was no problem for a group of Sacred Heart Convent coworkers. […]
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Live-streamed Evening Prayer:
Welcome in a Time of Crisis
Where God closes a door, a window opens. Sometimes, almost literally. Cor Unum House, a ministry of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, is meant to be a house of hospitality, where guests are welcome into the sisters’ lives in tangible ways. Except, not now. While the Coronavirus lockdown has closed the sisters’ front door for now, they’ve found an open window in the form of social media streaming and teleconferencing. An impromptu Facebook live-stream of last Sunday’s evening […]
Read MoreCOVID—19 Coronavirus Statement from the Master of the Dominican Order
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear? The Lord is my life’s refuge; of whom should I be afraid? For God will hide me in his shelter in time of trouble,He will conceal me in the cover of his tent.Psalm 27:1,5 Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Dominican Family, As you know, after China, Italy is suffering gravely due to covid-19. Some members of the Dominican family in the north of the country […]
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