How to Plan Your Vote in Sangamon County
“Ordinary people with extraordinary vision can redeem the soul of America by getting in what I call good trouble, necessary trouble. Voting and participating in the democratic process are key. The vote is the most powerful nonviolent change agent you have in a democratic society. You must use it because it is not guaranteed. You can lose it.” John Lewis Sister Marcelline Koch, our justice promoter, prepared this information for our sisters who live in Sangamon County and […]
Read MoreSister M. Jeanine McGinley, OP
Sister M. Jeanine’s Services Private burial at Calvary Cemetery, Thursday, August 20. A memorial mass will be held at Sacred Heart Convent at a later date. In lieu of flowers or visits, donations may be made to the Dominican Sisters Retirement Fund, 1237 W. Monroe St., Springfield, IL, 62704.The Dominican Sisters and family of Sister M. Jeanine are served by Butler Funeral Homes. Springfield Dominican Sister M. Jeanine McGinley, OP, died August 17, 2020, just shy of her […]
Read MoreSister M. Anton Uthe, OP
Sister M. Anton’s Services Private burial at Calvary Cemetery, Friday, August 21. A memorial mass will be held at Sacred Heart Convent at a later date. In lieu of flowers or visits, donations may be made to the Dominican Sisters Retirement Fund, 1237 W. Monroe St., Springfield, IL, 62704.The Dominican Sisters and family of Sister M. Anton are served by Butler Funeral Homes. Springfield Dominican Sister M. Anton Uthe, OP, died August 17, 2020, at Sacred Heart Convent, […]
Read MoreSpringfield Dominican Sisters Confirm Corporate Stance on Migration
Photo: Sisters Judith Hilbing, Elyse Ramirez, Ann Clennon, and Marcelline Koch with SIAN co-chair Veronica Espina during 2017 DACA rally in Springfield, Illinois. Decision made to “affirm current and future ministries and commit to continue education of sisters and associates” on the many complexities of migration policy and the gospel demands of justice. Springfield, Ill. —Dominican Sisters of Springfield gathered in general assembly August 6-7, 2020, affirmed a statement in support of migrants that “heralds justice and non-violence” […]
Read MoreDreaming. Discerning. Governing. Inspiring.
This essay first appeared in the Springfield State Journal-Register, Sunday, August 9, 2020. Everyone is thinking about John Lewis. You could write about him.” As I was mulling over what to write for this column, a friend crossed my path with this timely suggestion. I’d not thought of that. St. Dominic was on my mind, actually — the Castilian priest whose name has been synonymous with the Order of Preachers he founded more than 800 years ago. We […]
Read MoreBuilding a Bridge is the Greatest Reward
In 45 years as a respiratory therapist I’ve never seen anything like this. Not AIDS. Not SARS. Nothing.” After “hello,” these were Howard Derrick’s first words to me on a May 1st video call from his office at St. Dominic Hospital, Jackson, Miss. “This” was coronavirus. Howard, a Springfield Dominican associate, and I have served many years together on the congregation’s antiracism team. When asked whether he thought states should allow businesses to open soon, he responded with […]
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