Living Hope Testimonial: Using Our Talents for Good
I took art all four years of high school with Sister Regina Marie and achieved the Golden Palette Award. She was my favorite teacher at Sacred Heart Academy. She was always happy and welcoming. She encouraged her students and would find something positive about their artwork even when they thought it wasn’t great. I learned that art could be used to make others happy. I see the theme is “Living Hope.” It made me think of this photo […]
Read MoreLiving Hope Testimonial: A Box of Senior Photos
If you are lucky, you have a teacher or mentor that holds a special place in your heart. Mine is Sister Regina Marie. If you’re interested in helping the Dominican Sisters continue to hold those in need in their prayers, consider making a donation here to help support Sister Regina Marie and the Dominican ministries around the country and in Peru. I was one of her art students at SHA from 1982 – 1986. As a teacher, she was […]
Read MoreDominican Month for Peace: Peace Building Efforts
Week 1 focused on introducing the Dominican history in Ukraine. Week 2 focused on Dominican efforts to help young persons to heal and learn peace building skills, skills that will positively impact Ukraine’s future. This week will focus on current, international peace-building efforts. These efforts are part of a larger effort in the European community to bring peace. International Peace Conference In 2018 – 2019, an international conference took place in France and Ukraine consisting of 4 seminars […]
Read MoreSister Regina Marie’s Prayer Techniques for Prisoners—Could They Work for You?
“We’re all prisoners,” Sue Brosmith mentioned off-handedly. “It’s only the bars that are different.” With this comment, Sue spoke of the spiritual guidance she witnessed Sister Regina Marie Bernet share over many years of volunteer ministry at Jacksonville Correctional Center. For years Sue joined a “trio” of Dominican Sisters and other dedicated volunteers at the prison for weekly Mass on Saturdays and a semiannual 3-day retreat called Residents Encounter Christ. The sisters included Sister Regina Marie, Sister M. […]
Read MoreChristmas Greetings from Sister Rebecca Ann Gemma, OP
Dear Friends, On behalf of all Dominican Sisters of Springfield, I greet you joyfully and offer our prayers for your peace and good health at this moment for courageous hope, this moment when we affirm and celebrate the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of Mary. Perhaps it is difficult this year to find your Christmas cheer or give yourself over to the joy you’d like to feel. That is okay. As Pope Francis said […]
Read MoreLiving Hope Testimonial: Graced with Guidance
Having taken art during all four of my years at Sacred Heart Academy, I was graced with the guidance and tutelage of Sister Regina Marie Bernet. Some of the projects that I remember doing include: a straight-on magazine image of a face. We cut the magazine picture straight down the middle so it was a half of a face. We had to draw the part of the face that was now missing free-handed, and then complete the drawing […]
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