

Staying “in the Clay”

By Website Administrator | September 24, 2021

Associate SpotlightMary Helen Rowland “All through my 28 years as a potter, God has helped me stay in the clay even through the busy-ness of life,” says Mary Helen (Call) Rowland, a second-generation Springfield Dominican Associate who lives in Weston, Va., and travels frequently to her hometown, Springfield, Ill. Through the years she has used her skill to provide pottery crosses worn by RCIA catechumens, candidates, and confirmandi, and she has design altar pieces for Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian […]

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“Is My Mic On?”
Dominican Associate Class of 2022 Prepares for “Hybrid” Formation

By Website Administrator | September 21, 2021

Just as parents and students know what “hybrid learning” is, so does the new class of Springfield Dominican Associate candidates. Ten candidates in this year’s class gathered in person at Sacred Heart Convent, and virtually, for the first time on Sunday, Sept. 19. They were welcomed by Sister M. Joan Sorge, program director, and the sisters who will serve as their sponsors throughout an eight-month program of formation in Dominican life, spirituality, prayer, and history. Next month’s session […]

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Sister Samuella’s 25 Tips to Living a Simple Lifestyle

By Website Administrator | September 17, 2021

This post was originally drafted in October of 2018 but somehow never got published. Check out the list below from Sister Samuella on how to live a simple, clean lifestyle. Seems like she may have had a peek into the future with her ideas on using more video conferencing and making sure to always support local businesses. Three words: Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Spiritual life Think of three things you are grateful for first thing in the morning before […]

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panoramic view of the green meadows at Jubilee Farm

Call & Response: The Ecological Crisis and Changing Your Heart

By Sister Sharon Zayac, OP | September 14, 2021

Call by Tommy Walsh In recent years, debate over the environment has become a major factor in modern society. Between environmental recovery plans and seemingly never-ending arguments over climate change, some Americans have taken steps to do their part in the fight to save our planet and its resources. However, many citizens have simply continued on with their carbon-emitting lifestyles, wasting precious resources and neglecting to make easy, and often money-saving changes that can help protect our God-given […]

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Sisters Anita Cleary, Judi Hilbing, and Pat Stark

Life at the Border: Simple Toys, New Shoes, and Solidarity

By Sister Judine Hilbing | September 7, 2021

Disturbing images of children at the border were flooding the daily news. During the height of the immigration crisis, an invitation went out for volunteers to minister to those arriving in Texas to be processed through Catholic Charities of Laredo. In collaboration with a larger initiative of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), the Dominicans of Springfield pledged financial and human resources to provide a compassionate presence for those seeking asylum with weary yet hopeful eyes. Sisters […]

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Season of Creation. A Home for All? Renewing the Oikos of God.

Celebrate the Season of Creation with the Springfield Dominican Sisters

By Website Administrator | August 31, 2021

The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment. During the Season of Creation, we join our sisters and brothers in the ecumenical family in prayer and action for our common home. What is Oikos? Watch this 60-second video for a quick explanation. How to Participate inthe Season of Creation Here are some ways you can join Springfield Dominican Sisters and Associates in the celebration. […]

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Do Not Wait: How to Begin Saving the Planet Today

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | August 24, 2021

“Responding to the global climate crisis requires everyone’s action and we can’t wait a minute longer to begin.” Sister Sharon Zayac This was the message 100 Dominican sisters and associates from across the U.S. heard from Springfield Dominican Sister Sharon Zayac during the annual associates’ and sisters’ reflection day hosted each August by the Springfield Dominicans. This year for the first time the event was open to sisters and associates of other Dominican congregations as well. Sisters at […]

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Dominican Sisters Launch First-Ever Podcast Series on Congregation’s 148th Anniversary

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | August 19, 2021

The new Springfield Dominican Sisters’ podcast series, F.L.O.W.cast, is streaming now at https://flowcastlisten.podbean.com/. You can also visit https://flowcastlisten.org/ to subscribe and receive each new episode in your inbox every Thursday. Click the buttons below to follow us on social media too! Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube F.L.O.W.cast is meant to be welcoming to a younger audience that appreciates intergenerational conversation and an eclectic mix of inspiring stories about the sisters’ lives and ministry. Each week, one-to-one conversations and roundtable […]

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