
Sister Susan Karina Dickey, OP

Sister Susan Karina’s early years of ministry were spent in Chicago, where she served as an adjunct instructor at Barat College and DePaul University, 1997-1999. She was archivist for the Diocese of Springfield, 1999-2007, during which time she researched diocesan history and authored Come to the Water, a book published for the sesquicentennial of the diocese in 2003. Sister Susan Karina subsequently studied healthcare mission integration and since 2008 has served as the director, and then as vice-president for mission integration, at St. Dominic Health Services, Jackson, Miss. Sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of Springfield for more than 70 years, in 2019 sponsorship of St. Dominic’s was transferred to the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System based in Baton Rouge.

Sister Susan Karina, who converted to Catholicism as an adult, said “With the Dominicans, whose motto is Veritas, or Truth, I found my home and my true calling. My Lutheran parents modeled a respect for truth. They must have had a secret radar because they always knew when I was telling a fib. I learned early just to tell the truth.”

Sister Susan Karina’s uncles, aunts, and cousins celebrate her joy. Her parents, Douglas and Elizabeth (Klemann) Dickey and her brother Duane are deceased.

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