Our Sisters Are Lighting the Way. How you can help them?

God lights the way
for Sisters Kelly and Mary Jo.
You can light the way for the Dominican Sisters' mission!
These two Springfield Dominican Sisters will tell you: God lights the way!
Will you join them and all the Dominican Sisters of Springfield as they share that message with the world?
A gift from you during our Light the Way Christmas Appeal will go a long way to support our mission to allow God’s light to be seen in our world!
“God lights my way every day,” Sister Kelly Moline says. She ministers on the pastoral care team at St. Dominic Hospital, Jackson, Miss.
“Whether I’m praying with a patient at the hospital or enjoying time with other young adults at St. Richard Parish, where I worship and serve, I’m always on the lookout for God’s light—there is plenty to be seen in everyone I encounter!”

Sister Mary Jo Sobieck—world famous now because of her spectacular pitch over home plate at the Chicago White Sox game last summer—also knows the guidance of God’s light!

“Don’t ever underestimate what God is going to do through you,” she says. It's about being positive and real! Asked to do my best and say yes to the invitations I receive, I trust God will do something with it." God lights the way. God knows your name, she’ll tell her students—"We're famous in God's eyes first. Our job is to pay attention and follow in faith."
Learn more about Sister Kelly and Sister Mary Jo, then join their mission to be light for the Life of the World by making a gift to the Dominican Sisters of Springfield.
Thank you!

Children at OLG School light the way for Sister Rita Range’s faithful service.
Reminisce with the Dominican Sisters about their 108 years at OLG and learn more about Sister Rita's long commitment to Catholic Education.
Lighting the way is a mutual blessing and responsibility.
“The best principal that I have known.” Yes. That’s what Lena Ramos said recently to our Sister Rita Marie Range on Principal Appreciate Day.
Lena would know.
After guiding Lena’s education at Our Lady of Grace School on Chicago’s north side, Sister Rita now presides over her daughter Lily’s education and faith formation.
“I’ve been here so long I’m on the next generation of students,” Sister Rita laughs. She’s been principal at OLG since 1997.
“It’s the students,” she confesses. “They light my way every day. They’re why I get up every morning and do it all over again.”
Will you help us sustain Sister Rita’s mission to teach, lead, and support the academic needs and the faith-life of the kids like Lena and her daughter Lily? Can you help?

Sister Rita has been leading by example in Catholic schools—over and over again—since 1965. That’s when she began her ministry as a teacher at St. Bernadette School in Evergreen Park, Ill.
Six schools—and five decades—later, it’s the students at Our Lady of Grace, and their families, who inspire her daily ministry.
That’s a lot of light and love!
Like Sister Rita, all our sisters travel paths lighted by those whom they serve. This is the baptismal call of all Christians—to inspire, encourage, and light the way for others.
We’re inspired by you.
A gift from you this month during our Light the Way Christmas Appeal will inspire us for months to come and help ensure our senior sisters have what they need after selfless decades of service to children and families in the United States and Peru.
We are so grateful for your support! Thank you! And Merry Christmas!

Sister Maristella Dunlavy lights the way to a peaceful Christmas encounter
with the Word made Flesh.
Enjoy Sister Maristella's lively account of one of the legendary events in Springfield Dominican history: The 1967 Bazaar.
Lighting the way is the task of every Christian.
For more than fifty years Sister Maristella Dunlavy lighted the way for children she taught and the teachers she guided as principal at Christ the King and Cathedral in Springfield, St. John Bosco in Chicago, and Holy Angels in Aurora.
Now the octogenarian lights the way for our sisters and guests. She’s turned her artist’s eye to the altar at Sacred Heart Convent Chapel where she creates a peaceful ambience to guide our vision to the manger and our hearts to Jesus, the Word Made Flesh.
You are invited to join Sister Maristella in her mission! Will you make a gift to the Dominican Sisters Retirement Fund during our Light the Way Christmas Appeal? Doing so will light the way for Sister Maristella and many senior sisters who rely on your kindness!
“The Eucharist is the most important part of my day," she says. "as sacristan at Sacred Heart Convent, lighting the way for others as they worship is an added joy.”
It’s not just our sisters whose prayer is enlivened by Sister Maristella’s tender care. More and more, guests find their way to our house for prayer:
- A Lutheran minister comes often for evening prayer. Even ministers need to be ministered to, she says, and we minister to her through the simplicity and fidelity of our daily prayer.
- Families have discovered the joy of praying in our beautiful chapel because they feel welcome among us.
- Throughout the week, several retirees find their way to our sacred space, anchoring their daily routines in the Eucharist and the Gospel, just as we do.
“In a simple way, I hope to make the chapel a welcoming place and help light the way of Jesus for our sisters and guests,” says Sister Maristella, as she arranges the Christmas creche, floral displays, and shining lights at Sacred Heart Convent Chapel.
She does light the way! You can, too, by sharing a gift with our senior sisters who depend on your care. Thank you!
A gift from you today will make our day! Sister Maristella and all our sisters say thanks, in advance! We are praying for you.