
Springfield Dominican Sisters Respond to Verdict of Derek Chauvin Trial

A Statement from the Leadership
of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield
Regarding the Verdict of the Derek Chauvin Trial


For the loved ones of George Floyd, the people of Minnesota, and all people bent under the weight of systemic racism, yesterday’s verdict in the Derek Chauvin murder trial was a graced reminder that the arc of history does indeed bend toward justice, and it bends because there are people with the moral courage and integrity to bring it to fruition.

As Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar said, the guilty verdict creates “a necessary condition of justice” but is not of itself justice. The verdict can and will be celebrated. It must also be honored through the release into our nation of new energy for the things that make for justice. When we are ready to interrogate the historic truths of white supremacy, sincerely repent of them, and resolve, with the help of God’s grace, to make amends, then we may be able to say we are on the way toward justice.

As a community of religious women who yearn to be forgiven for and free from the sin of racism, we pray that now might also be that graced moment of transformation for our nation. Will we find the spiritual desire, the moral courage, and the political will to cooperate in the dismantling of a system that keeps all of us bound, either by our supremacy or by the burden of having to bear it? We pray to God it may be so, and pledge our lives in contribution to the effort.

Sister Rebecca Ann Gemma, OP

Sister Rose Miriam Schulte, OP

Sister Mila Díaz Solano, OP

Sister Marie Michelle Hackett, OP


April 21, 2021

4 thoughts on “Springfield Dominican Sisters Respond to Verdict of Derek Chauvin Trial”

  1. I wrote in my journal this morning that Mr. Chauvin is just one example of they police training and social reforms needed to rid our country of this vile sin. I pray for police officers everywhere to act, not like bullies, but keepers of the peace.

  2. Sr. Rebecca Ann,
    Thank you for such profound comments on the recent verdict. The Dominican Sisters of Springfield have been on this journey for more than fifteen years and we are grateful that you have brought this passion and experience to the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System.

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