
Sister Mary Frances Gorman, OP (Sister Thomas Mary)

Those who know Sister Mary Frances might call her a creative, free spirit. It is that joy and creativity that she brought to all the years of her ministry, whether as an educator, pastoral minister, or artist.

A native of Aurora, Ill., Sister Mary Fran ministered throughout Illinois and in Mississippi.

She began her vowed life teaching in central Illinois: Holy Cross, Mendota (1970-1973), Our Saviour, Jacksonville (1973-1975), St. Maurice, Morrisonville (1975-1977); St. Mary, Mt. Sterling (1977-1980); and St. John Neumann, Maryville (1980-1983). She also taught at St. Bernadette School, Evergreen Park (1983-1986).

Her pastoral ministry assignments included St. Cecilia, Glen Carbon, Ill. (1986-1991) and St. Therese Parish, Jackson, Miss. (1993-1997). She also taught computer at Cathedral School, Springfield, Ill. (1997-1998) and worked at Sacred Heart-Griffin High School (1998-2001) before transitioning full-time to life as the resident potter at Jubilee Farm (2001-2013), where she delighted in welcoming children and adults to share the joy of creativity. Thank you, Sister Mary Fran!

4 thoughts on “Sister Mary Frances Gorman, OP (Sister Thomas Mary)”

  1. Dear Sister Mary Fran
    Congratulations on your anniversary!
    You are an absolute delight to be around. I remember your beautiful voice and all I could do was squawk! I still have my “Ugly Bugs”!!!!
    Patricia Leinen Rees

  2. I am glad I stumbled on to this. I had Sister Thomas Mary as my first and second-grade teacher at St. Mary’s in Mt. Sterling, IL in the late 1970s. She is a wonderful teacher. I can’t say I was a wonderful student, however. Yes, she had her hands full with me. Over the years I have thought about her often. My best wishes and thanks to her!

    Dr. Dan Cravens
    Blackfoot, Idaho

  3. Al & Sandra Latham

    It was a blessing to have stumbled onto this article. Al mentioned your name, I googled it, and here we are. We have thought of you often and wonder how you are doing in Il. We were so grateful for the time we got to know you while at St. Therese in MS. We pray you are doing well and congratulate you on your 50+ years.

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