
Sister Maira Barry celebrates golden jubilee

Sister Maira was born in Glansworth, County Coyne, Ireland, and made her profession of vows August 8, 1974. 

Her ministry for many years was as a primary school teacher. She taught second grade at Little Flower School, Springfield, 1975-1977, then first grade at Sacred Heart School, Pana, Ill. 1977-1979. The next five years she spent teaching grades 1-4 at St. John School, Carrollton, Ill. From 1984-1985 she taught at St. Thomas School, Crystal Lake, Ill., and then grades 1 and 2 at Holy Angels School, Aurora, Ill., 1985-1987. 

In 1987 she moved to Redlands, Calif., where she taught grades 1 and 2 at Sacred Heart School. In 1992 she returned to Chicago where she taught third grade at St. Edward School, 1992-1995. For the next three years she taught third and fourth grade at St. Thomas School, Philo, Ill., and following that third grade at St. Gilbert School, Grayslake, Ill., through 2000. After a sabbatical year she returned, full circle, to Little Flower School where she taught first grade, 2003-2007. 

For a year after that she served as pastoral visitor at St. Dominic Hospital, Jackson, Miss., and then embarked on a new ministerial pursuit in hospital chaplaincy. She studied at Loyola University Medical Center and was certified as a chaplain by the National Association of Catholic Chaplains in 2010. Since then she has served as a chaplain at St. John Hospital, Springfield, Ill. 

3 thoughts on “Sister Maira Barry celebrates golden jubilee”

  1. Amelia Apperson

    Congratulations Mary! You have brightened the lives of so many. I’m so happy you are celebrating 50 years . God blessed me with your friendship almost 55 years ago and I still think of you often. God bless you!

  2. Mary,
    I am so proud to call you my friend! You have devoted your life to teaching, serving and comforting so many people in your 50 years as a Dominican sister. Congratulations on your 50th Jubilee! Love you dear friend!!

  3. Dear Mary,
    We met as students at Rosary High School over 53 years ago. Even then, I could tell that you were a very special person destined to do wonderful things! So very happy to read the history of all your good works. I have thought of you often over the years. May God continue to bless you abundantly.
    Anne (Benoit) Hutter ‘73

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