
Sister Gabriella Luebbers celebrates diamond jubilee

Sister Gabriella Luebbers was one of eleven children of Herman and Margaret Luebbers. She was raised on the family farm in Carlyle, Ill. She attended St. Mary’s Catholic School in Carlyle and earned her high school diploma after joining the Dominican Sisters in Springfield, Ill.

When she arrived on the doorstep at Sacred Heart Convent in 1948, she brought with her several years of experience working in a nursing home. She credits that experience with serving her well when in 1988, after almost 40 years as an educator, she returned to Sacred Heart Convent and for the next 33 years, responded to the needs of the elderly and ill sisters among whom she lived.

At first, she taught elementary school: Our Lady of Grace School, Chicago, 1949-1952, then Little Flower School, Springfield, Ill., 1952-1960. After earning a diploma in French and history she returned to the classroom, teaching middle school at St. Thomas, Crystal Lake, 1961-1962. She put her French and history studies to work at Routt High School Jacksonville, 1962-1963; Marian Catholic High School, Chicago Heights, 1963-1971, and Sacred Heart Academy, Springfield, 1971-1975, often teaching theology classes as well. She was principal of Rosary High School, Aurora, Ill., 1975-1979, the returned to Marian Catholic to teach French once more, 1979-1988.

It was in 1988 that she began her ministry at Sacred Heart Convent. Though no longer burdened with any formal responsibilities, she continues to be helpful to the sisters she lives with. They are especially grateful when Sister Gabriella gets an itch to bake something sweet.

“As I reflect on my 75 years as a professed Dominican Sister I am filled with so much gratitude,” Sister Gabriella said. “I am most grateful to God who called me to this rewarding vocation. And I am grateful to my Dominican Sisters and to my family and friends who have supported me throughout this journey. And finally, I am thankful for the many people I’ve touched and who have touched me through my many years of ministry in education, healthcare, and prayer.”

"I am thankful for the many people I’ve touched and who have touched me through my many years of ministry in education, healthcare, and prayer.”

4 thoughts on “Sister Gabriella Luebbers celebrates diamond jubilee”

  1. Mary Jo (Drungil) O’Toole

    Il faut que j’écris mon message en français. C’est grâce à Sœur Gabrielle que j’ai développé ma connaissance et mon appréciation de la langue française. Cela me sert encore aujourd’hui. Merci mille fois, Sœur Gabrielle ! Je pense souvent à vous. Vous avez ma sincère gratitude. Félicitations !

  2. Barbara Scott Woodworth -

    I remember you fondly as my French teacher at Marian!!! I was in the class of 1970. You were so patient and kind and ready with a smile!! I became a teacher and teach 3rd grade elementary school and impress my little kiddos with my limited French!! I will recite the Hail Mary and they ohh and ahh having no idea what I say!!! Makes me smile!! Congratulations on a remarkable journey and dedication to your calling!!!

  3. You taught me French at Marian, class of 1967. It served me well when I was living and working in Lausanne Switzerland in the mid 1980s. Thanks and grateful appreciation for this and all your contributions in your long live of service.

    Merci mille fois, belle soeur ❤️🍾,

    Mark Brazas

  4. Félicitations, ma Soeur Gabrielle! Comme vous m’avez donné l’appréciation du pouvoir de s’exprimer dans de diverses langues – après votre instruction j’en ai appris quatre!

    Vous avez partager votre foi ainsi que votre diligence à l’étude. Pour ça je vous remercie et vous envoie l’expression de mes meilleurs vœux lors de cet événement distingué.

    Warren BRODINE MCHS ´86

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