
A message from Sister Kathleen Anne Tait regarding the global coronavirus pandemic and the wellbeing of our sisters.

For now, all our sisters are free of Coronavirus. No Springfield Dominican sister in the U.S. or in Peru has yet reported symptoms. We hope that you and yours are also faring well at this unprecedented time. Follow updates about our sisters' health and our response to the crisis here.

This month is one of three times a year we ask our friends to support our response to God's mission with a gift. I know that you may have been—as we have been—adversely impacted by the economic volatility affecting the world financial markets.

If it is possible for you to make a donation, we will humbly and gratefully receive it. If it is not possible for you at this time, please know your prayer and friendship mean Immeasurably more to us than your ability to contribute. Please look after your needs and stay healthy and safe!

You are invited to Join the Mission!

Experience Sister Mary Paul McCaughey's impact on the  mission. Then...

Deepen that impact with a gift today!

What we do

Our sisters make the world a better place every day by bringing God's healing, creative, and inspiring Word wherever they go: into schools and parishes, counseling centers, hospitals, and city streets. Follow the links to learn more.

Join our mission to:

Why on Earth would anyone want to be a Catholic sister?

If you've ever wondered why anyone chooses religious life, then you might want to join the Dominican Sisters of Springfield on February 28 to find out. Perhaps you think that God might be calling you to consecrated life. Or-maybe just the opposite-you have difficulty understanding ...
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Bethany House of Hospitality celebrates 7th anniversary

A celebration of Bethany House of Hospitality was observed recently in Oak Brook. Nearly 200 people joined the festivities to observe the 7th anniversary of Bethany House.  Bethany House executive director Sister Kathlyn Mulcahy said she is proud of the number of women they have ...
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In the swirling galaxy, the words Transforming grace, the work of transformative justice from the Leadership Conference of Women religious

How to be part of the solution

The near-assassination of the presumptive Republican nominee for president this weekend is a wake-up call. It is past time for us to do as the president has asked and "lower the temperature" of our political discourse. Be the solution If this seems like a big ...
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Members of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield leadership team stand arm in arm in the beautiful chapel light. From left: Sisters Elyse Marie Ramirez, Joanne Delehanty, M. Paul McCaughey, and Kathlyn Mulcahy.

Mission and Truth: New Springfield Dominican Sisters leadership team takes office

Springfield, Ill.-The Springfield Dominican Sisters' leadership team, elected last April during general chapter, began a five-year term of service last week after their formal installation during Mass at Sacred Heart Convent here on Saturday, June 15. During a brief, moving ritual, Sister Rebecca Ann Gemma, ...
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Dominican Sisters 2022 Annual Report

The Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois 2022 annual report has been added to our website. The Dominican Sisters have been busy working diligently to make a difference in the lives of those we serve across our missions. Click here to view the annual report. Sister ...
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The Four Dominican Pillars: A View from Sister Kelly’s Seat

"Dominicans talk a lot about "the four pillars" of our lives: Prayer. Study. Preaching. Common life. Here's how Sister Kelly Moline, the newest member of our congregation, has come to think about them. Prayer "Prayer is what grounds me.  During my time of formation I ...
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“Day after day, Sr. Mary Paul brings positive energy to the halls of the College of Education and has always been willing to go the extra mile for the benefit of our students.”  —Alyssa Hepker, DePaul University

Wisdom from Our Donors

I think of money as energy. It has to circulate, it has to go out there. Whatever you put out comes back to you. The more you give the more you receive. It is how life functions, how the universe functions, and I have to live that.

— Nancy Rita Kaz

“It gives me joy to be able to help care for the sisters who gave me so much during my growing-up years.”

— Frank Ramirez

“The sisters have journeyed with me in life. I want to help continue their good works. I also hope to leave my children with a legacy of gratitude so they may grow in generosity.”

— Nancy Armstrong

“The good work of the church was mostly done by the women of the church. I own my faith today to the sisters who provided me with that early faith formation.”

— Mark Quinn

Sister Michaela Collins, OP

Thank you for your generosity and encouragement!

We pray for you every day.

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