
Human Rights

Why Dominicans and Human Rights?

“The focus on human rights touches and unifies every aspect of our work to respect and defend the inherent dignity and freedom of each and every person which is at the heart of the Good News that Jesus, the Incarnate Word, came to preach”
- From the final statement of the Salamanca International Congress of the Order of Preachers, September 2016

Our Commitments to Human Rights

Corporate Stance on Migration

We, the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Ill., express solidarity with those individuals and families who find it necessary to leave their homes or homeland in order to secure their safety and future. We commit to welcome, support, and protect all migrants: immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons. We commit to assist in their integration. We advocate for policies that protect their human rights, including family unity.

(adopted August 2020)
Fact Sheets

Postura Congregacional sobre Migración

Nosotras, las Hermanas Dominicas de Springfield, IL, expresamos solidaridad con las personas y familias que consideran necesario abandonar sus hogares o su patria para garantizar su seguridad y su futuro. Nos comprometemos a acoger, apoyar y proteger a todos los y las migrantes: inmigrantes, refugiados/as, personas solicitando asilo y desplazados/as internos/as. Nos comprometemos a ayudar en su integración. Abogamos por políticas que protejan sus derechos humanos, incluida la unidad familiar.

(Agosto de 2020)
Hojas Informativas

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