
Why Earth Rights?

Respect for human dignity and the promotion of human rights are inseparable from respect and protection of Creation in all its integrity. There cannot be a flourishing human species, exercising human rights, if Earth’s eco-systems are depleted and unprotected. This broad respect for the whole of Creation gives flesh to the Church’s  understanding of the ‘common good.’”

  • From the Final statement from the International Congress of Dominicans in the Promotion and Defence of Human Rights, Salamanca, Spain, September 1-5, 2016

Our Commitments to Earth Rights

Visit Jubilee Farm

This center for ecology and spirituality is a great place to start if you are curious about how to integrate your love and care for creation with your spiritual life. Sister Sharon Zayac and Sister Anita Cleary are happy to welcome you. Check it out!

Global Climate Change

We stand at a critical moment in Earth’s history, a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future at once holds great peril and great promise. To move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. (Adapted from Earth Charter Preamble)

We, the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois, recognize the reality of Global Climate Change and its impact on the whole Earth community, particularly on poor and vulnerable persons. We commit to lending our individual and collective voice to those efforts, consistent with our Catholic faith and the Dominican search for truth, that seek to mitigate the effects of Climate Change.

(Adopted June 2012)
Fact Sheets

Cambio Climático

Nos encontramos en un momento crítico en la historia de la Tierra, un momento en que la humanidad debe elegir su futuro. A medida que el mundo se vuelve cada vez más interdependiente y frágil, el futuro depara a la vez grandes riesgos y grandes promesas. Para seguir adelante debemos reconocer que, en medio de la magnífica diversidad de culturas y formas de vida, somos una sola familia humana y una sola comunidad terrestre con un destino común. (Adaptado del Preámbulo de la Carta de la Tierra)
Nosotras, las Hermanas Dominicas de Springfield, Illinois, reconocemos la realidad del Cambio Climático Global y su impacto en toda la comunidad terrestre, particularmente en las personas pobres y vulnerables. Nos comprometemos a prestar nuestra voz individual y colectiva a los esfuerzos que buscan mitigar los efectos del cambio climático y que son consistentes con nuestra fe católica y la búsqueda dominicana de la verdad.

(Junio de 2012)
Hojas Informativas

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