
Be hope for the life of the world

Amid the chaos in our world, where do we find an anchor of hope?

Sister Mila simply can’t do this alone.

A gift from you today will help keep alive her mission to be an anchor of hope.

Amid the chaos in our world, we believe the witness of our lives and our commitment to compassionately preaching the gospel of Jesus is needed more than ever.

This month Sister Mila Diaz Solano begins teaching sacred scripture as visiting professor at Mundelein Seminary.

Like St. Dominic before her, Sister Mila is compelled to preach Good—and challenging—News. Her doctoral studies at the École Biblique in Jerusalem have readied her for that!

So have her experiences of living in Jerusalem during times of violence and unrest.

Sister Mila also knows that beyond our daily tasks, whether teaching, preaching, counseling or administering, it is even more the witness of our lives that brings hope to the world.

Sister Mila smiling

Are you able to support Sister Mila, and all of us, in our mission to anchor hope? A gift from you will help support the spiritual wellbeing of young people and adults swayed by the confusion of our times.

Your gift can awaken the world with a transformative message hope for the life of the world. Thank you!

August Appeal cover

Bird Banding at Jubilee Farm

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