
Sister Stories

Take it to Prayer: A Spiritual Reflection for Voters

Take it to Prayer A Spiritual Reflection for Voters   You are invited to spend a few moments with God before you go into the voting booth.   Take it to Prayer: A Spiritual Reflection for Voters, was developed by the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Ill., and is distributed through the Dominican Sisters Conference to […]

Take it to Prayer: A Spiritual Reflection for Voters Read More »

Sister Mary Anton Uthe, OP—2018 Jubilarian

Springfield, Ill.—It is a rare thing to count life-commitment milestones in multiples of 25. The Dominican Sisters of Springfield are blessed with ten such milestones this year for sisters who have been faithful to living the evangelical counsels for 25, 50, and even 75 years. The eldest jubilarian is Sister Mary Anton Uthe, who was

Sister Mary Anton Uthe, OP—2018 Jubilarian Read More »

“Forget Yourself
And Think of Others”
Volunteering and Jesus’ Mission

This story by Sister Geraldine Kemper, OP,  first appeared in JUST Words, Winter 2018. Many organizations depend on volunteers to achieve their mission. What motivating force compels someone to volunteer time, knowledge, energy, and love? Pope Francis said during an audience last March, “Love and charity are service, helping others, serving others. There are many

“Forget Yourself
And Think of Others”
Volunteering and Jesus’ Mission
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Video: Billy and Sister Samuella

One Dominican Sister, One First Grader, One Life-changing Relationship   An Update on Jesuit Student Billy Menor & His Relationship with Sister Samuella Volk, OP Now he’s studying philosophy and sociology at St. Louis University, but in the spring of 2016 Billy Menor was on a cross-country pilgrimage with only $35 in his pocket. He

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One Dominican Sister, One First Grader, One Life-changing Relationship

An Update on Jesuit Student Billy Menor & His Relationship with Sister Samuella Volk, OP Now he’s studying philosophy and sociology at St. Louis University, but in the spring of 2016 Billy Menor was on a cross-country pilgrimage with only $35 in his pocket. He travelled from San Francisco to New York and in-between stopped

One Dominican Sister, One First Grader, One Life-changing Relationship Read More »

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