
JUST Words

Seeing the Work of the Spirit: East St. Louis and Peru

By Sister Rose Miriam Schulte, OP In our Prayer for the Life of the World, we daily ask that our hearts might be freed “to recognize and attend to Christ in hidden and unexpected places.” Some of these hidden places are lodged in our congregational past. Not unlike any organic process, a congregation’s earlier plantings […]

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“Deeply Dramatic”—Dominicans in Krakow Welcome Ukrainian Refugees

Father Andrzej carries a mattress to an apartment for refugee families. Each family has its own kitchen, bathroom, and washing machine. All maintenance costs are covered by the Dominicans. by Fr. Andrzej Mońka, OP. This article originally appeared in the Summer 2022 issue of JUSTWords. View online copy here. It was obvious to us from

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The Supper at Emmaus, Galleria degli Arazzi, Vatican Museum. A Creative Commons photo from flickr.com. Accessed May 6, 2022. https://www.flickr.com/ photos/justaslice/49684829557

Walking Together: An Update on the Synodal Process

This article was originally published in JUST Words Vol. 22 No. 2 Summer Issue.  Exquisite! Magnificent! These words describe the rich beauty of a “planetary tapestry” woven through the global synod convoked by Pope Francis in October 2021. Stories, concerns, critiques, and dreams of Catholics the world over are due in Rome by August 15,

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Elizabeth Garnier-Little, right, with her sister Wanda Garnier and Sister Barbara Ann Bogenschutz, OP, at Our Lady of the Sioux Parish, Oglala, S.D., in 2017

Lakota Wisdom: An Interview with Elizabeth Garnier-Little

Elizabeth Garnier-Little, right, with her sister Wanda Garnier and Sister Barbara Ann Bogenschutz, OP, at Our Lady of the Sioux Parish, Oglala, S.D., in 2017. Elizabeth Garnier-Little is an 80 years-wise Lakota woman born and raised on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in Oglala, South Dakota. A teacher of all grades K-12 for 52 years,

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Holy Listening, Sacred Compassion: Paths to a Healing Communion

The seemingly unending pandemic, climate change, natural disasters, discrimination, inequality, injustices, and violence of every kind—all the “-isms” we can think of (racism, ageism, sexism, etc.), ideological, political, and religious conflicts—impact and shape our lives in ways we might never imagine. They can spawn deep-seated, contagious anger, embed themselves in the lives of family, friends,

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How St. Catherine of Siena Healed the World

Catherine Benincasa was born in mid-14th century Tuscany, a plague-ridden, economically and politically unstable time—much like our own. She and her twin sister were the 23rd and 24th children in a prosperous family of 25 children of Lapa and Jacopo di Benincasa, wool dealers. By the time Catherine died at the age of 33 in

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Trial & Grace: Loss, Grief and Hope in a Time of the Pandemic

This article originally appeared in the July 2021 Issue of JUST Words.  I measure every Grief I meet With narrow, probing, eyes – I wonder if it weights like Mine – or has an Easier size.[i] –Emily Dickinson From the beginning of the pandemic, up to the time of this writing, fourteen of our sisters,

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panoramic view of the green meadows at Jubilee Farm

Call & Response: The Ecological Crisis and Changing Your Heart

This article originally appeared in the JUST Words Summer Edition. Call by Tommy Walsh In recent years, debate over the environment has become a major factor in modern society. Between environmental recovery plans and seemingly never-ending arguments over climate change, some Americans have taken steps to do their part in the fight to save our

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Sisters Anita Cleary, Judi Hilbing, and Pat Stark

Life at the Border: Simple Toys, New Shoes, and Solidarity

Disturbing images of children at the border were flooding the daily news. During the height of the immigration crisis, an invitation went out for volunteers to minister to those arriving in Texas to be processed through Catholic Charities of Laredo. In collaboration with a larger initiative of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), the

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