

Sister Aniceta Skube, OP

By Website Administrator | July 19, 2016

Springfield Dominican Sister M. Aniceta Skube died on July 19, 2016, at Sacred Heart Convent. She was born in Springfield in 1929 and named Catherine Lucille by her parents John and Anna Buedel Skube. She was one of twelve children. She made her profession of vows in 1951 at Sacred Heart Convent, Springfield. Sister M. Aniceta gave the first 29 years of her life as a primary school educator and principal in Chicago, Springfield, Jacksonville, Paris, and Newton, […]

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Dominican Sisters Celebrate Democratic Proposal to Close the SOA/WHINSEC

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | July 18, 2016

  Springfield, Ill.—Twenty years ago the Dominican Sisters of Springfield unanimously voiced their desire to close a controversial U.S. military program that trains military and police forces in Central and South America who then use those skills to perpetrate violence and terror on the people of their own nations. Their advocacy, and that of many other religious communities and social justice groups, has borne important fruit on this issue. Some Latin American countries have withdrawn from the program […]

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Introducing Rosary High School’s First President

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | July 12, 2016

Dr. Thomas Choice, former board chair, takes the helm at Rosary August 1. Following a comprehensive study and months of deliberation by a special committee, the board of directors recommended to the member board—the leadership team of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield—the adoption of a president/principal administrative model at Rosary High School. This was unanimously approved by the member board. The adoption of this model allows for a division of responsibilities in which the president focuses on advancement […]

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Illinois Stories — Dominicans’ 800th Anniversary

By Website Administrator | June 30, 2016

Watch Illinois stories on WSEC TV by Mark McDonald Thursday night and then again this 4th Of July weekend featuring our chapel & 800 year anniversary of the Dominican Order! See it on WSEC TV (Channel 8 in Springfield) on: 7 p.m. Thursday, June 30… 4 p.m. Sunday, July 3 6:30 p.m. Monday, July 4 Read more about the other airings and more info here.

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Prayer for the Iraqi Dominican Sisters' General Chapter

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | June 29, 2016

Join us in praying with and for them July 1-10. The sisters will elect a new prioress general and make important decisions about their life and ministry. Their prayer: “We search for you and long to see your face—the face of compassion and mercy.” On July 1 the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Sienna in Iraq begin General Chapter, a periodic event for all Dominican congregations to discuss the things that matter most: life in community, prayer, […]

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Celebrate God's Faithfulness!

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | June 15, 2016

845 Years of Loving Service by our 2016 Jubilee Class! Please join us in honoring our sisters who celebrate milestones in their journeys with God. These 16 women have dedicated a total of  845 years in service of God and God’s people. You can see their photos and leave a message for the sisters at our Facebook photo album, Our Sisters Celebrate God’s Faithfulness, or read more in-depth biographies on page 23 of the Catholic Times jubilee issue. […]

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Renewing our Appreciation for the Sacred Heart

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | June 3, 2016

This story was updated on June 15, 2020. Happy Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus! This beautiful, comforting feast includes wonderful Mass readings, and LOTS of interesting art—not all of which I appreciate, I must admit. I’ve never been much of a fan of this image of Jesus as art, but it still touches me deeply because it speaks to me of the love and care I experienced in my family home. Artistic sensibilities aside, I have […]

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The Sacred Heart Statue and the Stuff of Legends

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | June 3, 2016

This statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus ornamented the front porch of the Our Saviour Parish rectory in Jacksonville until 1903. In the late 1800s Sister Mary Agnes McGuire and several other Dominican Sisters of Springfield were invited by the pastor, Father Crowe, to tour the new rectory. The sisters admired the statue, so, for his amusement, Father Crowe told the sisters he’d give it to anyone who could move it. As the story goes, one-by-one the […]

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