

Prayer to St. Josephine for International Day of Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking

By Website Administrator | February 8, 2018

February 8 is the feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, a day chosen by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace as a day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking. You may remember that St. Josephine Bakhita was born in Sudan in 1869 and enslaved as a child. Eventually she was sold to an Italian diplomat and taken to Italy, where she was later brought to freedom through the help of the Canossian Daughters of Charity. Through their […]

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World Day of Consecrated Life 2018

By Website Administrator | January 28, 2018

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined. “ ~ Henry David Thoreau If you imagine yourself as a sister, talk to Sister Teresa. To visit us contact Sister Teresa Marron, OP • Phone: (708) 207-1874 • Email: srteresa@spdom.org

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Sister Kathlyn Mulcahy Heads to Honduras

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | January 22, 2018

To  Join International Emergency Interfaith Delegation Trip coincides with inauguration of contested Honduran president-elect Springfield Dominican Sister Kathlyn Mulcahy will spend a week in Honduras as part of an emergency international interfaith delegation of religious leaders who wish to stand in solidarity with the people of the most violent country in the world and to serve as witnesses to the lives and work of religious and lay members of Honduran society who are speaking out for their democratic […]

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“Forget Yourself
And Think of Others”
Volunteering and Jesus’ Mission

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | January 12, 2018

This story by Sister Geraldine Kemper, OP,  first appeared in JUST Words, Winter 2018. Many organizations depend on volunteers to achieve their mission. What motivating force compels someone to volunteer time, knowledge, energy, and love? Pope Francis said during an audience last March, “Love and charity are service, helping others, serving others. There are many people who sped their lives in this way, in service of others…. When you forget yourself and think of others, this is love!” […]

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Happy 103rd Birthday Sister Pauletta Overbeck, OP!

By Website Administrator | January 4, 2018

Sister Pauletta was accompanied by her sisters this afternoon for cupcakes and punch to celebrate her 103rd birthday! <iframe src=”https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fspringfieldop%2Fvideos%2F10159746988470510%2F&width=743&show_text=true&height=520&appId” width=”743″ height=”520″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowTransparency=”true” allowFullScreen=”true”></iframe>

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An Anatomy of Systemic Change

By Website Administrator | January 4, 2018

Personal Transformation: The Heart of Systemic Change Transformational, systemic change does not happen overnight. At its core is personal transformation. Society-altering change begins in the human heart and radiates outward. Policy makers create transformational change when they allow their own hearts to change. Leaders who empower others often experience transformation over time. Through personal experience, hearing real stories, and practicing deep contemplative silence, they are brought to a moment of change. Here’s a look at a recent transformational […]

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A Christmas Letter from Iraq

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | December 26, 2017

“Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.” Mark 1: 3 As we come this year to celebrate Christmas, we recall the nativity scene of 2014 in the Christian camp in Ankawa- Iraq, which was a tent among the tents of the displaced people who fled ISIS. Now, three years later, many of the displaced people returned home in the Plain of Nineveh, and celebrating Christmas. It has been months since people returned, and from […]

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Dominicans Name December Global Month of Prayer for Peace

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | November 28, 2017

2017 Focus: Peace in Colombia At the request of the Master of the Order of Preachers, The Dominican Sisters of Springfield are participating in a new global effort designating Dec. 1-January an annual time for prayer and action for peace in a country where Dominicans minister. This year the focus is on Colombia, where Dominicans have served since the sixteenth century. In a letter addressed to Dominicans worldwide, Father Bruno Cadore, OP, proposed the initiative as a way […]

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