Sister Mary Dolorita Brown, OP
Springfield Dominican Sister Mary Dolorita Brown died January 23, 2019, at Sacred Heart Convent. She was born in Chicago, Ill., in 1934, and named Dolores Rosalie by her parents, James and Evelyn (Krawzak) Brown. She made her profession of vows in 1952 at Sacred Heart Convent. Sister M. Dolorita ministered in Catholic schools in the Illinois dioceses of Springfield, Peoria, and Joliet. She taught primary grades at Sacred Heart, Pana; Holy Family Granite City; Christ the King, Springfield; […]
Read MoreMother-Daughter Tea
Mother-Daughter Tea March 8, 2020 1:30 p.m.-4:00 p.m. A Mother-Daughter Tea and a kid-friendly tour of Sacred Heart Convent Chapel are scheduled for Sunday, March 8, at 1:30 p.m. Springfield Dominican Sisters will welcome moms and their daughters age 10-13. The interactive tour will be followed by a fancy tea and a delicious take-home gift. Sacred Heart Convent and Chapel are accessible facilities.
Read MoreSisters to the Land
View this post on Instagram "We come from the land. Our elements, our minerals are the same as the land’s and we’ve always known that until the last couple of centuries when we’ve really compromised our relationship to the whole of the land. And that’s really what this day is about. … To try to help us remember… our relationship to the land. " ~ Sister Sharon Zayac Attend Sister Sharon’s presentation, Journey to the Heart: Falling in […]
Read MoreWhat is prayer? How does it work?
Human beings have prayed for thousands of years. Most of us who are people of faith give prayer a significant place in our daily routine. That’s not new. Human beings of various faith traditions have been praying for thousands of years. Many learned simple prayers at our mother’s or father’s knee: prayers like the Our Father, also known as the Lord’s Prayer. It’s likely that this prayer was one of the first steps to what has become a […]
Read MoreSister Lori’s Seven Prayer Pointers
Download the PDF. Think you don’t have time to pray? Think again! Cor Unum team member Sister Lori Kirchman shares seven prayer practices you can use in the time you have. Have a minute? Unplug and breath. Five minutes? Read and reflect. Dashing from the car to classroom? Make it a walking meditation. Don’t tell Sister Lori you don’t have time to pray! She’s used these methods successfully throughout 33 years of Dominican life as a teacher, vocation […]
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