Third Sunday of Lent, Part 2
Download the PDF. This is part two. Go to part one. Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. Summary: Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs that stimulate the economy while not harming the environment. Decent work involves opportunities for work that is productive and delivers a fair income, security in […]
Read MoreThird Sunday of Lent, Part 1
Download the PDF. This is part one. Go to part two. Goal 4 – Quality Education Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Summary: Although there has been much progress in global education, the barriers holding children back from reaching their full potential through quality education still exist. When educated, young people are more likely to have the self-confidence and knowledge to better both their communities and their own livelihoods. Worldwide children’s […]
Read MoreDominican Charism Initiative Launched in Houston
Springfield Dominicans Join International Collaboration How do we pass on the Dominican charism at this critical moment in our history? How do we create new, relevant expressions of the Dominican charism to ensure its ongoing vitality through the formation of the present and future generations of sisters and lay partners? Houston, Texas—Dominican sisters and lay partners from the United States, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Kenya engaged in energetic dialogue and creative planning in response to these questions during a […]
Read MoreSister M. Paulita Philippe, OP
Springfield Dominican Sister M. Paulita Philippe died March 16, 2019, at Sacred Heart Convent. She was born in Livingston, Ill., in 1937, and named Annette Mary by her parents, Paul and Emma (Martinelli) Philippe. She made her profession of vows in 1959 at Sacred Heart Convent, Springfield, Ill. Sister M. Paulita dedicated her life to education and pastoral ministry. She enjoyed especially her 15 years among Spanish-speaking Catholics in Rogers, Ark., east central Illinois, and Kankakee County during […]
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Nancy Kaz:
Back when she was still called Nancy Means, Nancy Kaz daydreamed about being a Dominican Sister. She even had her religious name picked out. “I remember those days,” she mused. “That did not materialize; I had another path. But you always come full circle.” That “other path” turned out to be Nancy’s 2010 commitment as a Springfield Dominican Associate. It all began at St. Christina Parish on Chicago’s South Side. Nancy recalls her grandmother admonishing her mother Rita […]
Read MoreSister Mary Megan Farrelly, OP
Sister M. Megan’s Services Visitation: 4:00 p.m. – 6:15 p.m., Thursday, March7, 2019 at Aquinas Center, Sacred Heart Convent, 1237 W. Monroe St. in Springfield. The visitation will begin with a prayer service. Funeral Mass: 6:30 p.m., Thursday, March 7, 2019 at Sacred Heart Convent Chapel with Father Peter Witchousky, OP, celebrant. Morning Prayer, Remembering, and Final Commendation: 10:30 a.m., Friday, March 8, 2019 at Sacred Heart Convent Chapel. Cremation rights accorded to Butler Funeral Home. Burial follows […]
Read MoreSister Philip Neri Crawford, OP
Springfield Dominican Sister Philip Neri Crawford died February 26, 2019 at Sacred Heart Convent. She was born in Springfield, Ill., in 1931, and named Marilyn Marie by her parents, Louis and Florence (Christjansen) Crawford. She made her profession of vows in 1951 at Sacred Heart Convent. Sister Philip Neri dedicated 62 years of religious life to Catholic education. From her first assignment at St. Thomas School, Newton, Ill. to her final 14-year teaching position at Sacred Heart-Griffin High […]
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