DSI Directs Solidarity Funds to Alleviate COVID-19 Suffering in Latin America
Dominican Sisters International (DSI) is a global confederation of Dominican Sisters. The DSI Solidarity Fund is supported by many congregations of Dominican Sisters for use in emergency situations such as faced in Peru, Brazil, and Argentina today. Dominican Sisters of Springfield serve in Peru where, according to Sister Mila Diaz Solano, “The pandemic is affecting the indigenous communities in the Panamazonian region (nine countries including Perú). Companies that extract minerals in the region are still operating. Their workers […]
Read MoreSpringfield Dominican Leadership Team stands with LCWR statement on DACA
The leadership team of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield stands with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious in this statement of gratitude for a Supreme Court ruling that buys more time for Dreamers whose lives would be dramatically altered by a change in policy. Read the full statement here. Read the Statement Here The statement reads in part, “this is not a permanent solution.” The statement asks for members of Congress to quickly move to pass legislation that […]
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Springfield Dominican Sisters Take the Struggle for Equity
To Wall Street
One of Sixteen Dominican Congregations Announcing Dominican Sisters Climate Solution Movement, a Partnership with Morgan Stanley, on Fifth Anniversary of LAUDATO SI’ Springfield, Ill.—On the fifth anniversary of the publication of Laudato Si’, the Dominican Sisters of Springfield announce their participation in Dominican Sisters Climate Solution Movement, a strategic green investment initiative to address climate change and its effects on marginalized communities disproportionately impacted by global warming. Sixteen Dominican Sisters’ congregations have committed $46.65 million to the initiative, […]
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Leaving the Upper Room of Fear:
Post Lock-down Life and Hope
This preaching on Romans 8:14-28 was given for The Community Room, a virtual gathering of Springfield Dominican Sisters and Associates, on May 28. That was after the murder of George Floyd but before the nation and world erupted in protests that are changing the landscape of racial injustice around the globe. A few years ago, I received a great birthday card. It had a cartoon picture with a girl blowing out the candles on her birthday cake surrounded […]
Read MoreBlack Lives Matter
“THROUGH THE EYES OF OUR PARTNERS”: A STATEMENT ON RACIAL KILLING FROM THE DOMINICAN SISTERS OF SPRINGFIELD June 1, 2020 The Dominican Sisters of Springfield watch in horror and sadness each incidence of racial violence in the U.S. They see through the eyes of their sisters of color and the men and women who are their partners in a quest to dismantle racism within their own congregation and ministries. “We experience the recent tragic killings of Ahmaud Arbery in Sattila Shores. Ga., and George Floyd […]
Read MoreLament and Mourn: An Invitation to Grieve
Join us in Prayer Monday, June 1 Prayers for A Day of Lament Download and print or use on your device. Download Here Faith leaders from across many traditions have called for a National Day of Mourning and Lament to grieve and honor those who have died from COVID-19 and to pray together for the healing of our nation. Our nation has passed a grievous point in history: 100,000 U.S. residents have died from COVID-19. In Peru, where […]
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Coping with Grief
During a Time of Pandemic
It is truly good to be with you. I Invite you today to look with me through the lens of the pandemic at our common experiences of loss and the grief that follows loss. Let’s begin with a reading from the book of Revelations Chapter 21: Hope Restored I come today with the hope that amidst the pain and turmoil of a pandemic our hearts can be changed…our spirits renewed…our hope restored. I come as your sister in […]
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