Dominican Women at the United Nations: Changing the Narrative One Story at a Time
For many years the world-wide Dominican Family has had representatives at the United Nations, in New York and Geneva, to amplify the voices of the people we accompany in every corner of the globe. Later this month, at the end of the two-week annual UN assembly of the Commission on the Status of Women, the Dominican Sisters at the United Nations will host a webinar gathering the voices of Dominican Sisters and their partners in ministry on five […]
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Pope Francis Visits Iraq:
March 5-8, 2021
It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of Pope Francis’ visit to Iraq, planned for March 5-8, 2021. A prayer composed for the occasion asks for blessings on Pope Francis’ efforts to promote dialogue, reconciliation, peace, and human dignity. To this end, during the 3-day journey visits are scheduled for Pope Francis with governmental leaders and other authorities in civil society. The pope will be present to the Christian community for events in Baghdad and Mosul as well […]
Read More32 Ways to Live Less Violently
Recognizing our interconnectedness in the cosmos, we have embraced the common call toward communion with God and all creation. Non-violence is an integral part of that journey-a journey which is both inward and outward. Awareness motivates behavior; behavior strengthens one’s internal orientation. Following are a few suggestions for living non-violently in relation to the cosmos, others, and ourselves. Spend time each day with the God of peace. Consciously seek to expand your capacity for empathy. Seek the wisdom […]
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Step away from the Noise at “Sound Scape” A BIG READ
event at Jubilee Farm
New Berlin, Ill.—Listen to the sounds of creation, enjoy fresh air, and get a respite from the noise and frenetic pace of life during “Sound Scape,” at Jubilee Farm, 10:00-11:00 Saturday, April 24, 2021. The free public event is offered by Jubilee Farm, a ministry of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield in partnership with the Academy of Lifelong Learning (ALL) at Lincoln Land Community College, host of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Big Read in Sangamon […]
Read MoreSecond Week of Lent 2021
“Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves. And he was transfigured before them…” Mark 9: 2-3 In the readings for the second Sunday of Lent, we hear the challenging story of Abraham’s near sacrifice of Isaac, followed by the story of Jesus’ transfiguration before three disciples from Mark’s Gospel. In one reading, Abraham is willing to give up his precious son, Isaac, to follow the will of God. In […]
Read MoreFrost and Chill, Bless the Lord
After the storm, comes this. Enjoy these photos from Sacred Heart Convent courtyard, complete with the gorgeous Van Zeller sculpture of St. Christopher, patron saint of travelers. Please be safe out there! If you have an extra moment, open your Bible to Daniel chapter 3:52-90 for an exuberant praise psalm perfect for every season. If you decide to dance around your living room or backyard while chanting in to the skies, don’t worry. (We won’t tell!)
Read MoreFirst Week of Lent 2021
“The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, and he remained in the desert for forty days…” Mark 1: 12 In this first week of Lent, we invite you to reflect on two stories of transformative encounters from the Gospels: the story of Jesus’ baptism and the parable of the Good Samaritan. The first story is at the heart of the readings for this first Sunday in Lent. The passage from Mark today recounts Jesus’ journey into the […]
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