World Day of Peace 2022
This information originally appeared on and has been reposted with permission. January 1 is the World Day of Peace! Every year on January 1, the Holy Father marks the World Day of Peace with a special message inviting all people to reflect on the important work of building peace. This year’s message is the latest in a long tradition of messages for this day that began with St. Paul VI in 1967 and continued with St. John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope […]
Read More2022 New Year Resolutions
“What are your New Year’s resolutions?” This is a typical conversation starter this time of year, isn’t it? What do those resolutions represent? It seems they have much to do with personal aspirations, dreams, and desires for our self-improvement and personal growth. If you’d like some prayer support from our sisters to accompany you on your journey into 2022, you are welcome to share your resolutions here. We’ll add your name to the sisters’ prayer list! Happy and […]
Read MoreYour Generosity Provides Enough
What do you think is the total number of years of consecrated life lived by the sisters receiving skilled nursing care at Sacred Heart Convent today? 200-400 years 401-600 years 601-800 years 801-1000 years 1000+ years Hint: There are 16 sisters currently receiving skilled nursing care. Out of curiosity, what do you think is the total number of years of consecrated life lived by the sisters in need of skilled nursing care who live at Sacred Heart Convent […]
Read MoreSister Rosemary McGuire: “I Loved That!”
Sister Rosemary McGuire has given herself wholeheartedly to every ministry to which she’s been called. First it was teaching primary grades at schools in the Chicago metro area, Peoria, and East Alton. “I loved that!” she said. When the community discovered she could teach math she moved to junior high and back to Springfield, her home town. She took on the math classes and helped transition the school into the computer age. “I loved that too because I […]
Read MoreHuman Rights: Month for Peace 2021
In Venezuela, human rights were part of the Venezuelan democratic legislation, although compliance was questionable, particularly during the social explosion of 1989 known as “Caracazo.” The current Constitution recognizes, expands and elevates human rights, though there are cases where it has become clear they are being violated. Human rights in Venezuela is considered to include the right to life, to food, to education, to a healthy environment, to health, to land, to personal integrity, to justice, to personal […]
Read MoreSister Agnes Ann Pisel: A COVID-19 Transition
Everyone has a COVID-19 story. That includes Sister Agnes Ann Pisel, who at the height of the pandemic found herself making the move “home” to Sacred Heart Convent. When she arrived on campus she first needed to quarantine. She had just gotten settled in her room when she learned she needed to move again as the local community prepared for the renovation of Regina Coeli, the nursing care facility where our frailest sisters live. It’s sisters like Sister […]
Read MoreElections & Political Parties: Month for Peace 2021
Voting has been the democratic form par excellence used by citizens to settle political conflicts. The people understood that voting in elections was the most important component of what Democracy means, although elections are not enough for the preservation of Democracy, as sometimes voting does not necessarily mean electing. In a democracy, all members of society can freely express their opinion and have their opinion heard and respected, even if they are a minority. On repeated occasions this […]
Read MoreSister Gabriella Luebbers: Doing the “Little Things”
A Dominican sister for 72 years, Sister Gabriella Luebbers has lived for the last 33 years at Sacred Heart Convent. Before that she taught-first elementary school and then, in high school-French. For a time, she was principal of Rosary High School in Aurora, Ill. She says her pre-convent nursing home experience helped her feel comfortable moving back to the motherhouse in 1988 to begin her dedication to “the little things.” Watch the full video-interview below or keep scrolling […]
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