Celebrating 150 years Ceremony For the Life of the World
Saturday, August 19, 2023 – Sacred Heart Convent Chapel, Springfield, Ill.-The culmination of a year-long celebration of 150 years of ministry for the life of the world took place at 10 a.m. this day, as more than 450 Springfield Dominican sisters, associates, friends, and honored guests celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving for the many gifts God has bestowed on the congregation since its founding in 1873. On August 19 that year the congregation’s founding sisters arrived in Jacksonville […]
Read MoreSister Marianne Nolan, OP
Sister Marianne’s Services Visitation: 4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. on Monday, August 21, 2023, at Sacred Heart Convent Chapel, 1237 W. Monroe St., Springfield, IL 62704. Visitation will begin with a prayer service. Funeral Mass: 6:30 p.m. on Monday, at Sacred Heart Convent Chapel, Father Joseph Molloy, celebrant. Wake and Mass will be livestreamed. Burial: 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, August 22, 2023, Roselawn Memorial Park Cemetery Livestream Links Wake Service Funeral Mass Burial Springfield Dominican Sister Marianne Nolan, […]
Read MoreBrotando a la acción Por la Vida del Mundo
Por Hermana Kelly Moline, OP Un manantial se origina cuando el agua que se mueve bajo tierra encuentra una grieta en la superficie y emerge, a veces como un chorrito, a veces solo después de una lluvia, como un flujo continuo. Un manantial se forma cuando la ladera de una colina, el fondo de un valle u otra excavación se cruza con el agua subterránea en o por debajo del nivel subterráneo local, por debajo del cual el […]
Read MoreAre you willing to choose a “wild and precious” life?
This article was first published in the July 23, 2023 edition of the State Journal-Register. In the above photo we see Sister Mila Diaz Solano, center, celebrating her 25th profession anniversary with family and friends. Last weekend (July 16, 2023) we had a glorious celebration at Sacred Heart Convent for the anniversaries of eleven sisters who made their profession of vows, 25, 50, 60, and 75 years ago. These annual rituals are something we sisters look forward to. […]
Read MoreSpringing into Action For the Life of the World
By Sister Kelly Moline, OP (English version) A spring is created when water moving underground finds an opening to the surface and emerges, sometimes as a trickle, maybe only after a rain, and sometimes in a continuous flow. A spring is formed when the side of a hill, a valley bottom, or other excavation intersects groundwater at or below the local water table, below which the subsurface material is saturated with water. A spring is the result of […]
Read MoreSister Carole Dittrich, OP
Sister Carole’s Services Visitation: 4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. on Monday, July 31, 2023, at Sacred Heart Convent Chapel, 1237 W. Monroe St., Springfield, IL 62704. Visitation will begin with a prayer service. Funeral Mass: 6:30 p.m. on Monday, at Sacred Heart Convent Chapel, Dominican Father Michael DeTemple, celebrant. Wake and Mass will be livestreamed. Livestream Links Wake Service and Funeral Mass Springfield Dominican Sister Carole Dittrich, once known as Sister M Consuela, died July 25, 2023, at […]
Read MoreMary of Magdala: A Visual Feast
Mary of Magdala is the patroness of the Order of Preachers, call the Apostle to the Apostles because she was the first to “go and tell” the Good News of the Resurrection. Here are some ideas to celebrate her feast day, July 23. Read the lectionary readings for her feast. Listen to a preaching by Sister Antoinette Gutzler, MM Celebrate and pray with your friends Practice Visio Divina with these unique works of art made in her honor. […]
Read MoreCome & See: 2023-2024 Vocation Event Schedule
“Even if you are just a little bit curious, you are welcome,” said Sister Denise Glazik about eleven upcoming opportunities for single Catholic women to explore religious life. The sisters have planned six in-person Come & See weekends and five virtual events, called “Zoom & See” weekends, from September 2023 through December 2024. Single Catholic women ages 21-45 are welcome to register for any, or more than one, of each event. These events serve several purposes. They provide […]
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