
200 Pennies

By Website Administrator | December 1, 2014

Celebrating the Year of Consecrated Life Sister Rose Marie, OP shares a point of conversion in her religious life during her ministry in a Rogers, Arkansas clinic and how she learned to value mutual relationships by seeing that others can bring the Gospel to you. The unexpected offering connected her with the story of the widow’s mite: Mark 12:41 – 44 And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: […]

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Keep families together

By Website Administrator | November 20, 2014

Today is International Day of Action to End Child Detention.  It is the 25th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child to end inhumane detention of families and children. Show support for comprehensive immigration reform. Keep families together to end family detention. Read more about how to help ending child and family detention by clicking here.

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Inspiration for a cold day

By Website Administrator | November 19, 2014

All the way to heaven IS heaven, because Jesus said, “I am the way.” ~Catherine of Siena

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Weaving at the Christmas craft sale

By Website Administrator | November 14, 2014

  Post by Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois.

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Christmas Sale

By Website Administrator | November 14, 2014

  Post by Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois. Post by Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois.

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To every thing there is a season

By Website Administrator | November 14, 2014
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10% – Collaborative Dominican Novitiate update

By Website Administrator | November 12, 2014

Sister Kelly Moline, OP asks, “At what percentage is our heart functioning?” Read her most recent reflection at the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate. Read the story here: http://collaborativedominicannovitiate.blogspot.com/

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New Video! – The journey to finding wholeness and peace – National Vocation Awareness Week 2014

By Website Administrator | November 7, 2014

“Bringing God into every subject is very freeing.” ~ Sister Martha Carmody, OP Sister Martha’s path to finding wholeness and peace made several turns in her life marked with many accomplishments. Her journey took her from teaching elementary education in the public school system for 24 years to attaining a Parish Life Coordinator certificate and becoming a Dominican Associate, but she still felt that something crucial was missing. She found wholeness when she became a Springfield Dominican Sister. […]

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