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Sister Mary Dorothea Sondgeroth, OP Lifetime Achievement Award

“When you’re working for God, the pay isn’t that great, but the fringe benefits are out of this world!” ~  Sister Mary Dorothea Sondgeroth, OP  <iframe width=”853″ height=”480″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/Nz4IWr92iVg?ecver=1″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe><a href=”https://springfieldop.org/home/”><img src=”https://springfieldop.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Dominican-Sisters-of-Springfield-logo_circle-shield_2017.png” alt=”home”><!– –><!– –> <!– –>

Sister Mary Dorothea Sondgeroth, OP Lifetime Achievement Award Read More »

Springfield Dominican Sisters Response to the Withdraw from the Paris Agreement

We are sharing a press release sent out Thursday, June 1, 2017 from the Catholic Climate Covenant with the response of national Catholic organizations, including LCWR, to President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Accord. If you would like to partner with our mission to care for our planet, keep working for our common home with us

Springfield Dominican Sisters Response to the Withdraw from the Paris Agreement Read More »

Good Friday Way of the Cross for Peace and Justice 2017

The annual Way of the Cross for Peace and Justice will take place Good Friday, April 14, 2017 at noon. The first station of the cross will take place at the Supreme Court Building (Second & Capitol) in Springfield, Illinois. Two-hour prayerful ecumenical walk recalling Jesus’ passion and its connection with the injustices experienced by

Good Friday Way of the Cross for Peace and Justice 2017 Read More »

Early-bird discount for Strategies for Reading the Bible

Strategies for Reading the Bible: Peacemaking in a Post-Truth World A Workshop for Engaged Christians by Pastor Paul Nuechterlein (Discipleship Seminars in Mimetic Theory) Saturday, March 18, 2017 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Sacred Heart Convent 1237 W Monroe Street Springfield IL 62704 217-787-0481 Early Bird (Before March 1) $40.00 After March 1 $50.00 Executive Box Lunch

Early-bird discount for Strategies for Reading the Bible Read More »

World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life 2017

  Sister Teresa Marron, OP asks why Springfield Dominican Sisters love religious life for World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life. Sisters in order of appearance: Sister Teresa Marron, OP Sister Margaret Therese Hebert, OP Sister Suzanne Donner, OP Sister Kathlyn Mulcahy, OP Sister Paul Mary Janssens, OP Sister Marilyn Jean Runkel, OP Sister Mary

World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life 2017 Read More »

Sister Sharon Shares Pope Francis' Message on Climate

“Right now (Pope) Francis is in the spotlight, speaking persistently and consistently about our responsibility as humans, and that we must begin to make better social, economic, and political decisions that affirm creation’s dignity and allows the whole of creation to flourish.” ~ Sister Sharon Zayac, OP, Director of Jubilee Farm from Moral Compass: Responding

Sister Sharon Shares Pope Francis' Message on Climate Read More »

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