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Choose Love Over Fear handpainted sign

Standing Against White Supremacy

A handmade sign by Chloe Wilson used during the Charlottesville, Virginia counter-protest to the Unite the Right rally on August 12, 2017. Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Gift of Justin McBrien. The Dominican Sisters of Springfield are members of the Springfield Coalition on Dismantling Racism (SCoDR) and our

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Catarina Benincasa: A Saint for Today

New Video! Catarina Benincasa: A Saint for Today In honor of the feast day of St. Catherine of Siena, Dominican lay woman and Doctor of the Church, the Dominican Sisters of Springfield are pleased to release a beautiful new production of Sister Santina DeLuca’s Catarina Benincasa: A Saint for Today. The 17-minute one-woman performance is

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A Springfield Tradition Returns: Churches Reconvene for Good Friday Way of the Cross

Springfield, Ill.—For the first time since Good Friday 2019, an ecumenical group of Springfield faith communities will gather in front of the State Supreme Court Building on Good Friday, April 15, to begin the Good Friday Way of the Cross, an annual event in Springfield for more than 30 years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The Four Dominican Pillars: A View from Sister Kelly’s Seat

“Dominicans talk a lot about “the four pillars” of our lives: Prayer. Study. Preaching. Common life. Here’s how Sister Kelly Moline, the newest member of our congregation, has come to think about them. Prayer “Prayer is what grounds me.  During my time of formation I experienced many different local communities and ministries. I lived in different regions

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A Message from the Dominican Sisters and Friars in Ukraine

Updated June 13, 2022, 9 a.m. CST Updates From Our Dominican Family in Ukraine Here is an update from Kyiv by Father Jarosław Krawiec, Vicar Provincial of the Dominican Province of St. Hyacinth. Dear Sisters, Dear Brothers, Today I made a phone call to an older woman whose son fights on the frontlines. “Good morning, this

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