
Sister Beth Murphy, OP

Sister Beth Murphy is the Communication Director for the Dominican Sisters of Springfield.

Sister Elizabeth Murphy
hanging rack of neutral colored clothing against a white background with the words "How Do You Dress For The Planet?"

How DO You Dress for the Planet?

This blog post from Grist, a climate justice news website, prompted reflection on how Springfield Dominican sisters and associates live their own commitments to simplicity and care for creation through the way they consume clothing. Convent “Swap Shops” For years now, it’s been the practice to have a “swap shop” at Sacred Heart Convent. This

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Twelve Springfield Dominican Associates Make Commitment

For the first time since 2019, the commitment ceremony for a Springfield Dominican Associate class was held in-person at Sacred Heart Convent Chapel on Sunday, May 1, 2022. During the homily of the Mass Father Michael DeTemple, OP, chaplain for the Dominican Sisters, thanked the associates for their commitment and noted that through the sacrament

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Sister Susan Karina Dickey, OP

Sister Susan Karina’s early years of ministry were spent in Chicago, where she served as an adjunct instructor at Barat College and DePaul University, 1997-1999. She was archivist for the Diocese of Springfield, 1999-2007, during which time she researched diocesan history and authored Come to the Water, a book published for the sesquicentennial of the

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Sister Beverly Jeanne Howe, OP

Sister Beverly Jeanne Howe’s years of ministry can be considered in three phases: elementary education, canon law, and English language instructor. She taught elementary school at St. Margaret Mary School, Algonquin, Ill., (1962-1963 and 1978-1983); Our Lady of Grace School, Chicago (1963-1969); Our Lady of Lourdes School, Decatur, Ill., (1969-1971); and St. Christina School, Chicago

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