
A Place in the Chapel

by Sister Kathleen Anne Tait, OP, Director of Mission Advancement, Dominican Sisters of Springfield

The light streaming through the windows of our motherhouse chapel radiates the warmth of God’s love. That light also reminds us of the generations of sisters and associates and friends who have prayed in this space and discovered that love. Today we set the stage for future generations, guiding them with Christian values like upholding human dignity, creating a more just world, and caring for Earth and all who live upon it.

Estate planning is one important way to help shape future generations and continue the legacy of your personal values. As Nancy Armstrong, an associate of the Dominican Sisters, anticipates getting older and reaching her final goal of eternal life, she thinks about the legacy she wants to leave her children. “I want to leave my children not just money and THINGS, but an example of how to share one’s blessings.”

“As I look back on my life, I’m grateful for the many blessings God has bestowed on me: my children, grandchildren, siblings, extended family,” Nancy says. While she plans to leave most of her estate to family and dear friends, she will also include the Dominican Sisters of Springfield. “The sisters have journeyed with me in life—sometimes leading the way and sometimes holding my hand as they walk beside me. I want to help continue their good works as they ‘compassionately preach the Gospel of Jesus’. In doing so, I also hope to leave my children with a legacy of gratitude so they may grow in generosity.”

It is important to plan for one’s self in later years and for the generations to follow. Experts advise that those plans be reviewed every five years because life happens and situations change.

As a member of the Dominican Legacy Society, Nancy’s name will be etched in a plaque near the chapel windows. As light streams through, she, her family and friends will be prayed for daily for generations to come!

This fall the Mission Advancement Office will sponsor a planned giving seminar. More details will be coming in August!

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