A journey is soon coming to an end! Twelve candidates for the Springfield Dominican Associate program who have been attending monthly formation sessions since September 2020 participated in a day of retreat on Saturday, April 10th and are now just weeks away from their commitment ceremony.
The theme of the retreat was discipleship. Candidates and their sponsors were invited to consider the question “What difference does it really make that I am a disciple of Jesus?” They were led by Springfield Dominican Sister Barbara Blesse, their virtual retreat director. With COVID restrictions still in place, the candidates “retreated” at home and connected with their sister-sponsors over the phone or through teleconference, as you see here.

Dominican Associates, as disciples of Jesus, are called to be persons of compassionate service. They commit to join the Springfield Dominican sisters in preaching the Word and witnessing to Gospel values through their daily lives.
Please pray with the candidates as they commit to God’s call to discipleship. These twelve will join four hundred sixty other Springfield Dominican Associates who embrace the Dominican charism expressed in the four pillars of prayer, study, community and mission/ministry. Their commitment is scheduled for Sunday, May 2nd at Sacred Heart Convent Chapel or virtually for those at a distance.
Join the Class of 2022!
Sister M. Joan Sorge, Associate Director for the Springfield Dominican Sisters, invites you to be a part of the 2022 Associate class. The program begins anew in September 2021. Learn more here or contact Sister M. Joan at 217-787-0481, ex. 6109 or by e-mail at smjsorge@spdom.org.
Are You A Current Associate? Leave a comment below to let others know what this program means to you!
Dear Sister Joan,
My sincere appreciation to you, Sister Barbara Blesse, and Aaron Tebrinke for the blessing of today’s retreat, “Discipleship”. The flow of the retreat materials was so smooth, engaging, and enlightening. My prayers of thanksgiving to the retreat organizers, the Dominican Associates leaders and assistants, and to my fellow candidates with whom I journey. I look forward to the day when we can all gather together in person.