
Tutors, students sought for new Dominican Literacy Center

Individualized classes offered for women at any learning level

Tutor training November 14 and 18

Springfield, Ill.—Women who want to learn English have a new opportunity to do so through a program offered by the Dominican Sisters of Springfield. 

“Our first cohort of learners is already in place,” said Sister Katherine O’Connor, OP. “Now we are ready to welcome a new group of volunteer tutors and students to start the next learning session in January 2025.” 

There are currently 17 women learning from 17 dedicated volunteers, who work with the women in private classrooms at the ranch-style residence located at the entrance to Sacred Heart Convent. The address is 1301 W. Monroe Street.

When asked why classes are open only to women, Sister Katherine explained that the goal is to create a safe, welcoming atmosphere for women who are often the last in a family to learn English, which can be isolating for them, and they may have experienced trauma or domestic violence. “Maintaining a women-only environment helps them feel comfortable,” she said. 

In the future, the Dominican Literacy Center will offer citizenship classes for women and men nearing their citizenship exam dates. Details about citizenship classes will be forthcoming. 

How to become a volunteer tutor 

Tutor training sessions for women 21 and older who want to volunteer are scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Nov. 14 and 18 at the center. Attendance at both sessions in mandatory for new tutors. 

Call or text Sister Katherine O’Connor at 217-415-8377 to register. Each tutor will be assigned a student whom they will accompany for a year, starting with the new session in January 2025. Tutoring sessions are 90-minutes and meet weekly on Tuesdays or Wednesday, during the day or in the evening. 

How to register for English language learning 

English language learners may also register for the weekly, individualized tutoring sessions by calling or texting Sister Katherine at 217-415-8377. 

The new Dominican Literacy Center in Springfield is the third such center sponsored by the Dominican Sisters. A center in Aurora, Ill., has been in operation for 31 years and has assisted thousands of women from at least 20 nations. The center in Melrose Park, Ill., opened in 1996. 

The Springfield center will be operated by Sister Katherine, who was until last year president of Sacred Heart-Griffin High School, and Sister Ann Clennon, who administered the tutor training program at the Aurora center, 1998-2016. 

The Dominican Sisters’ history of teaching English language learners traces back to 1879 when two sisters relocated from the congregation’s first motherhouse, in Jacksonville, Ill., to Ruma, where they became live-in tutors for the German-speaking foundresses of the Precious Blood Sisters. 

Volunteer at any of our literacy centers

The new center in Springfield is our third literacy center. Volunteers are also welcome at the others.

Springfield, Ill., Center

To volunteer in Springfield call or text Sister Katherine O'Connor at 217-415-8377

Melrose Park, Ill. Center

To volunteer at the center in Melrose Park, Ill., (which serves women and men, and accepts male volunteers) email Sister Judith Curran, OP.

Aurora, Ill., Center

To volunteer at the center in Aurora, Ill., contact the tutor coordinator, Alison Brzezinski.

Help a different way

Help us reach students who need to learn English in Springfield. Help us spread the word by downloading, printing, and posting this flyer.

In the news

Illinois Times, October 10, 2024

1 thought on “Tutors, students sought for new Dominican Literacy Center”

  1. Thank you Sr. Kathrerine O’Connor and Sr. Ann Clennon for taking the steps needed to create this new Literacy Center for our friends who need to learn English. This empowering work will make a significant impact on their lives and their efforts toward citizenship some day. I’m so grateful for this.
    Continued prayers for all you are doing to lift them up!

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