Dear Friends,
Centuries ago, St. Paul encouraged the community in Philippi saying:
“Do not worry about anything, but present your needs to God in prayer and petition, with thanksgiving. Then the peace of God, which is beyond all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (4:6-7)
Might those same words be a mantra of hope for us today? As a community of believers, let us raise our voices in praise for all the blessings given to us each day by a God of Abundance. Together, let us beg for the profound peace needed in the hearts and minds of all humanity, so as to experience these blessings too often hidden behind loneliness, fear, and despair.
You and your loved ones have a special place in our prayer as we, the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, gather around the Eucharistic table today and every day.
May you find Christ in hidden and unexpected places,
Sister Rebecca Ann Gemma, OP and all the Dominican Sisters

Blessings to you dear Sisters, please continue to pray for us as we pray for you also. I’m an RN and need to keep my health and take care of my patients
Be sure of your prayers for you and all healthcare workers in this difficult time, Diana.
Sister Rebecca Ann et al
I am grateful for the powerful presence of the Dominican Sisters in our lives, in our neighborhoods, in our towns. May the Lord bless you, and us, and all.
Equally, Bud! Thank you. It’s a blessing to be your neighbor.
We are very thankful to be associates with the Dominican Sisters! May the Lord bless all of you today and keep you healthy!
It is a joy to have you and Jo as Dominican Associates, Dave. Thank you for your presence in our lives. Your love of life is so evident in all you do. Thanks for sharing our Dominican charism in our daily lives!