
Synod Resources

Synodality is a style, it is a walk together, and it is what the Lord expects from the Church of the third millennium.

Synod Resources

The Synod Office provides a constant supply of inspirational resources for your use. Check back often for updates.


Watch this space for opportunities to participate in synodal listening sessions like this one:

4:00 – 6:00 pm Eastern U.S. Time
Sunday, April 24, 2022

LGBTQ Spiritual Conversations for the Synod with Dr. Robert Choiniere, Fordham University


New! Biblical Resources for Synodality

Essential Documents for the Synod

International Theological Commission Document: “Synodality in the life and mission of the Church”

Vatican Nuncio Archbishop Pierre’s speech on synodality to the USCCB Nov. 2021

Pray for Unity, Pray for the Synod

Synodality Virtues: a culture of non-deference La Croix

Synod  - Austin Ivereigh

The 'new evangelization' has problems, but a synodal approach can help


New! A Message from Cardinal Tobin for Our Church's Youth (YouTube video)

New! Synodality: A Path of Reconciliation with Sr. Nathalie Becquart, XMCJ for New Ways Ministry (YouTube video)

Synod on Synodality –All You Need to Know

Building Bridges North-South – Pope Francis and University Students

Sr. Barbara Reid, OP, Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids - Synodality

Celebrating Synodality: Synods as a Spiritual Practice

LGBTQ Catholics & Synodality with Dr. Robert Choiniere

US Catholic Mission Association- Synodality

Angelicum: Tillard Chair: Lecture of Professor Myriam Wijlens - "The Church of God is convened in the Synod"

Angelicum: Tillard Chair: Sr. Nathalie Becquart, xmcj “Primacy, Collegiality, Synodality”

Catholic Diocese of Jackson, MS

Websites & Newsletters

New! Subscribe to the official Vatican Synod Newsletter

Synod 2021-2023 Vatican Website

USCCB Synod on Synodality

New Ways Ministry

Pentecost Vigil Project

Archdiocese of Chicago - Synod

Diocese of Springfield IL

Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls

Catholic Diocese of Jackson, MS

Around the Globe

New Spanish Language Resources

New! Celebrating Easter in a synodal way, From the Bishops Conference of Colombia (Spanish)

New! Lectio divina on the Emmaus Story from Fraternity of St. Thomas Aquinas Associations (FASTA) of Mar del Plata (Argentina)

Interview with Archbishop Augustine Akubeze- Nigeria

The Spirit of Synodality and the Amazon

Archbishop of Dublin’s words on the Synod


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