Rosary in Solidarity
with Catholic Day of Action for Immigrant Children
6:00 p.m. Thursday, July 18
Sacred Heart Convent Chapel
1237 W Monroe Street
Springfield, IL 62704
We are alarmed by the way the U.S. Government is treating children and families at our border. This erosion of human rights is unacceptable. This is not who we are as a people. We are called by the gospel to help the least among us as citizens of this country.
As Christians, we are called to treat all humans with dignity regardless of their immigration status. Asylum seekers, refugees, and our immigrant brothers and sisters are being denied basic human dignity. The separation of children from their families is a human rights violation, an unjust nightmare that cannot continue in our name.
Please join us in solidarity and prayer for the Catholic Day of Action for Immigrant Children on Thursday, July 18, 2019. There is something you can do.

If you can't join us you can still pray with us. Download the prayer to pray at home, alone or with your family and friends.
Print a sign for your window
• Print your own sign
Catholics Say: Stop the Inhumanity! End Child Detention"/ "For I was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me Matthew 25:35"
Add a photo of an immigrant child to your prayer space
Praying with a photo of just one child who died in a detention facility can change your heart!
• Print a photo.
Call the White House Now!
Call (202) 456-1111 totell President Trump "Stop the Inhumanity Now!" You can use this suggested script.
Please join us in solidarity and #prayer for the Catholic Day of Action for Immigrant Children on Thursday, July 18, 2019. There is something you can do.
— Springfield OP (@springfieldop) July 17, 2019
Learn more here: #CatholicDayofAction
Solidarity Love and Grace from Ireland.