
Springfield Dominican Leadership Team stands with LCWR statement on DACA

The leadership team of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield stands with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious in this statement of gratitude for a Supreme Court ruling that buys more time for Dreamers whose lives would be dramatically altered by a change in policy. Read the full statement here.

Read the Statement Here

The statement reads in part, “this is not a permanent solution.” The statement asks for members of Congress to quickly move to pass legislation that would provide “long lasting stability for DACA recipients” as well as Dreamers and people with Temporary Protected Status (TPS).

The statement asks the Senate to pass the bipartisan American Dream and Promise Act of 2019. “It is long past time to enact a Dream Act that provides a path to citizenship without including funding for detention, deportation, or border militarization, or provisions that would limit opportunities for family reunification.”

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