
Sister M. Raymunda Troeckler, OP

Sister M. Raymunda's Services

Visitors are welcome; masks and social distancing required.

Visitation: 4:00-5:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 16, Sacred Heart Convent Chapel, 1237 W. Monroe St., Springfield, IL 62704.

Visitation begins with a prayer service.

Funeral Mass: 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, August 16, Sacred Heart Convent Chapel, Dominican Father Michael DeTemple, celebrant.

Burial: 10 a.m. Wednesday, August 17, Roselawn Memorial Park, Springfield, Ill.

Livestream Links

Please check back Monday for livestream links

Wake Service                      Funeral Mass                       Burial Service

Springfield Dominican Sister M. Raymunda Troeckler, OP, died August 12, 2022, at Sacred Heart Convent, days shy of her 98th birthday and in the 72nd year of her religious profession. She was born in 1924 in Mitchell, Ill., to Joseph and Magdalen (Nee Zellerman.) Troeckler. She was baptized Rosemary Catherine and made her profession of vows in 1950 at Sacred Heart Convent.

Sister M. Raymunda is fondly remembered by her Dominican Sisters as a lifelong learner and seeker of wisdom. In the first decade of her religious profession she taught elementary school at St. John Bosco, Chicago, then middle grades at St. Patrick, Springfield, and junior high in Lenox, Mich. Following a year of study, she taught business education at Marian Catholic High School, Chicago Heights, 1961-1965, then began 36 years of ministry at Sacred Heart Academy/Sacred Heart-Griffin. For nine years she taught business courses, then became the school’s treasurer and personnel director. She finished her years at SHG in 2001, by which time she was working part-time as the school’s treasurer. When she returned to Sacred Heart Convent in 2001 she began a decade-long commitment to prayer and study, a practice that continued until very close to the end of her life.

Sister M. Raymunda was preceded in death by her parents, her brother Frank and his wives Marilyn and Wanetah Troeckler, her sister and brother-in-law Bernadette (Edward) Zabotka, her brother-in-law Joseph Kuhnline and her niece Sharon Troeckler Leonard. She is survived by her loving sister Kathryn Kuhnline and many loving nieces and nephews.

Visitors are welcome; masks and social distancing required. Visitation: 4:00-5:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 16, Sacred Heart Convent Chapel, 1237 W. Monroe St., Springfield, IL 62704. Visitation begins with a prayer service. Funeral Mass: 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sacred Heart Convent Chapel, Dominican Father Michael DeTemple, celebrant. Burial: 10 a.m. Wednesday, August 17, Roselawn Memorial Park, Springfield.

Mass and graveside services will be livestreamed.

Memorials to honor the memory of Sister M. Raymunda may be made to the Dominican Sisters Retirement Fund, 1237 W. Monroe St., Springfield, IL, 62704

The Dominican Sisters and family of Sister M. Raymunda are served by Butler Funeral Home, 900 S. 6th St., Springfield. Please visit butlerfuneralhomes.com to offer your condolences.

3 thoughts on “Sister M. Raymunda Troeckler, OP”

  1. Oh rest in Heavenly Peace Sister! I so remember bringing in my tuition money to you and even one time I was a day late. My mom was so embarrassed being late. You were so kind and told me to tell my mom it was okay that one day would not hurt. This was back in 1977 my freshman year. Thank you for your love and kindness. Suzi (Jones) Felts. sHA’80

  2. (Aunt) Sister Rosie- my memories of you are so fond. The best was when Courtney and Jacob stayed all night and Grandma and Grandpa Kuhnline and you were staying also. They were so thrilled to see that a nun even got to wear regular pajamas and had hair when you took off your habit for the night ♥️
    Your memories will carry on.

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