
Sister Myra Flahive, OP

 Sister Myra celebrates 60 years of religious profession in 2020.

Her profession is Sister M. Timothy's "fault."

Sister Myra claims “it’s Sister M. Timothy’s fault” that she is a Dominican instead of a Franciscan Sister.

She tells the story like this: “I met Sister Timothy at Our Lady of Grace (Chicago) before I entered the community. We had a party for Georgiana Stubner before she entered the Dominicans. That is where I met Sister Timothy. I really liked her. She was a happy and friendly person. She and Sister Lucille were bringing Georgiana to Springfield and invited me along. This was my first trip to Springfield. It helped me decide to be a Dominican rather than join the congregation of Franciscans who taught me.”

That simple invitation to a road trip became a lifelong commitment to consecrated life and years of dedication as an elementary school teacher for Sister Myra. Before she completed 54 years of teaching, she taught every grade K-8, and spent a dozen years as Parish School of Religion (PSR) coordinator in Decatur.

When she retired to Sacred Heart Convent in 2015, she continued to welcome guests as a receptionist and ferry sisters to appointments as a driver until 2018.

Sister Myra’s ministry assignments

1960-1963         Little Flower, Springfield, Ill. ,  Grade 4
1963-1970         St. Lawrence O’Toole, Matteson, Ill., Grades 2-3
1970-1971         Student
1971                   St. Maurice, Morrisonville, Ill., Grades 1-2
1971-1978          St. Edward, Chicago, Grades K-1
1978-1984          Our Lady of Grace, Chicago, Grade 1, grade 6
1984-1985          St. Lawrence O’Toole, Matteson, Ill., Grade 6
1985-1987          St. Peter, Aurora, Ill., Grades 5-6
1987-1999          Our Lady of Lourdes, Decatur, Ill., Grades 6-8, PSR coord.
1999-2015          Our Lady of Grace, Chicago, Grades 6-8
2015-2018          Sacred Heart Convent, Springfield, Ill. , Driver, receptionist
2018-Present      Sacred Heart Convent, Springfield, Ill., Ministry of prayer


1 thought on “Sister Myra Flahive, OP”

  1. It is with much pleasure that i write a hearty congratulations to Sr. Myra! You will be forever in my heart with your positive attitude and always willing to lend a helping hand! I learned so much from you and all the Dominician Sisters at Our Lady of Grace. Please continue to pray for me as I will for you!

    Thank you,

    Sue K.

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