
Sister Mary Rene Lawless, OP


With sadness we announce the death of Sister Mary Rene Lawless, OP.  Sister Rene passed away late last night at 6:45 p.m.  We ask you to pray for her. Sister Rene was one of the pioneers that went to La Oroya, Peru in 1964 and she was a tireless missionary throughout her life. She touched many lives both in the U.S. and Peru and will be deeply missed.

Funeral Arrangements:

Tuesday, May 31

3:00                   Gathering

3:30 – 6:15         Visitation

4:30                    Vigil with Preaching

5:00                    Dinner

6:30                    Funeral Mass

Wednesday, June 1

9:15        Daily Eucharist

10:30     Office for the Dead with Rememberings followed by Final Commendation and Burial

Noon    Dinner

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1 thought on “Sister Mary Rene Lawless, OP”

  1. Dear all…I was one of the eighth grade students of St. Agnes chosen by Sr. Mary Roberta to help “direct traffic ” for the departure ceremony at the Motherhouse in 1965. In later years Sr. Rene helped me with my Spanish in Decatur and with the growing Hispanic community. She was a good family friend and I was also blessed to be taught art in summer school by her aunt, Sr. Maureen..

    Blessings and greetings to all….+Kevin V.

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