
Sister Mary Dominic Joerger, OP

Sister Mary Dominic's Services

Private Mass of Resurrection at Sacred Heart Convent, Monday, Oct. 12; private burial, Calvary Cemetery, Tuesday, Oct. 13. A public memorial mass will be held at Sacred Heart Convent at a later date.

In lieu of flowers or visits, donations may be made to the Dominican Sisters Retirement Fund, 1237 W. Monroe St., Springfield, IL, 62704.The Dominican Sisters and family of Sister M. Dominic are served by Butler Funeral Homes.

Springfield Dominican Sister M. Dominic Joerger, OP, died October 9, 2020, at Sacred Heart Convent, Springfield, Ill. She was born in Mendota, Ill., in 1924, to Lawrence and Julia (Jones) Joerger, and baptized Mary Ann at Holy Cross Parish, Mendota. She joined the Dominicans in 1943 and professed her vows in 1945 at Sacred Heart Convent, Springfield.

Sister M. Dominic was the consummate primary school teacher, preferring to prepare little ones to read and learn their faith. For 43 years she taught mostly first and second grades in Springfield, Chicago, Mendota, Sauk Village, and Jacksonville, Ill., and in Duluth, Minn. The exception was teaching—to her delight—her relatives in the middle grades in Mendota. She was principal of Christ the King School, Springfield, 1964-1968.

Sister M. Dominic celebrated 75 years of religious profession in 2020. Read that story here.

In 1993, after completing her educational ministry at St. Patrick School, Springfield, her “retirement” project was to establish St. Martin De Porres Center, a clothing and food distribution facility, in a vacant fast food restaurant near the parish. She continued her volunteer service at St. Martin’s as long as she was able.

Sister M. Dominic was preceded in death by her parents, her brothers, Fr. Leo, Robert, Paul, and Frank Joerger; and her sister Dorothy Fane. She is survived by her brothers Raymond (Kathy) and Bill (Gloria) Joerger and her sister, Sister M. Concepta Joerger, who resides at Sacred Heart Convent. Among the dozens of nieces and nephews who survive her are three siblings who are also religious: Sisters M. Paulette and Marian Joseph Joerger are Springfield Dominican Sisters. Their sister, Sister Ann Marie Joerger, is a contemplative Cistercian nun.

5 thoughts on “Sister Mary Dominic Joerger, OP”

  1. Michelle Lundquist

    She was the best second grade teachers and one of my favorites! Prayers for her family and sisters! I know she will be missed

  2. As I ponder memories my daughter, Megan often spoke of. Sister Mary Dominic comes to my mind. She always spoke about her special 2nd grade teacher. Maybe they can give each other a special hug as they enter the gates of heaven.

  3. Joyce Bender Tulloss

    Sister Mary Dominic was a first cousin to my mother, Sally Bender. Mom always cherished her, and thus passed that endearment on to us. We never lived close. MN, CO. AZ, so didn’t get to see her often. I just know she will send many blessings down on her family. God will hold her in the palm of His hand!! Joyce Bender Tulloss

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