
Sister Mary Albrecht, OP

Sister Mary's Services

Private Mass of Resurrection at Sacred Heart Convent, Monday, May 10; private burial, Calvary Cemetery, Tuesday, May 11.

Memorials to honor the memory of Sister Mary may be made to the Dominican Sisters Retirement Fund, 1237 W. Monroe St., Springfield, IL, 62704. The Dominican Sisters and family of Sister Mary are served by Butler Funeral Homes.

Springfield Dominican Sister Mary Albrecht, also known as Sister M. Henrica, died peacefully, Wednesday, May 5, at Sacred Heart Convent. She was born in Carrollton, Ill., in 1929 to Henry J. and Edith E. Langer Albrecht and baptized Mary Christina. She joined the Dominicans in 1947 and professed her vows in 1949 at Sacred Heart Convent, Springfield, Ill.

Sister Mary shared her love of music with school children throughout central Illinois, spending just one year—her first year of teaching—in Chicago. After that she was barely ever more than 200 miles from her beloved hometown. She taught in Rantoul, then spent 1961-1976 in Litchfield as teacher of both primary and junior high students and, for five years, as principal. She also taught in Mendota, Springfield, and Pana, where she was principal of Sacred Heart School. This was her final teaching assignment before transitioning to community service at the motherhouse where, for 16 years she ably served as secretary to the maintenance department, transportation coordinator for the needs of more than 100 sisters, and as receptionist.

Sister Mary was preceded in death by her parents, her brothers John, Robert, Edward, and Ralph (Betty) Albrecht; her sister Loretta (Melvin) Mattis, and her sister-in-law Helen (Robert) Albrecht. She is survived by her brother William (Ruth) Albrecht, sisters-in-law Theresa (John) Albrecht and Jean Young, and a loving network of cousins, nephews, nieces, and dear friends.

4 thoughts on “Sister Mary Albrecht, OP”

  1. Melinda Fischer

    Prayers of healing grace for Sister’s family at this time, especially her brother Bill, whom I worked with at Central Hardware many years ago! Bill often spoke of his sister with such love and pride for serving as a Dominican Sister. Rest in Christ’s love and peace, Sister Mary.

  2. Greg Mattingly

    Sister was my second grade teacher along with 81 others in 1956. When I see a youngster walking back from communion swinging his arms I still think “sister Henrica is going to get you.” I have many fond memories of Sister and St Malachy Rantoul She was one of the best.

    1. Mary Jane Schofield

      Thank you very much. I am her oldest niece. My sister and I got to hang around when they came home for a visit. She was one of the best!!!

  3. Mary Kay Bolser

    Sister Mary Henrica was my second grade teacher in Rantoul at What was Donovan Memorial School., 1955. She was so loving and kind. Her smile was so loving and encouraging. It was a beautiful expression of her spiritual life. I remember her preparing us to receive our first Holy Communion. A most sacred event. You could see it in her eyes, and her smile. So grateful for such a loving presence of God. I bet she is really smiling now!

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