
Sister M. Diana Doyle, OP

Sister Diana's Services

Private burial at Calvary Cemetery, Wednesday, July 22. A memorial mass will be held at Sacred Heart Convent at a later date.

In lieu of flowers or visits, donations may be made to the Dominican Sisters Retirement Fund, 1237 W. Monroe St., Springfield, IL, 62704. The Dominican Sisters and family of Sister M. Diana are served by Butler Funeral Homes.

Springfield Dominican Sister M. Diana Doyle, OP, died July 19, 2020, at Sacred Heart Convent, Springfield, Ill. She was born in Jacksonville, Ill., in 1930, to J. William and Elizabeth Mary Gillen Doyle and baptized Mary at Our Saviour Church. In 1951 she made profession of vows at Sacred Heart Convent, Springfield.

Few would remember Sister M. Diana as a primary school teacher, yet that is how she began her teaching ministry. 1951-1955 she taught primary grades at schools in Mendota, Hardin, and Chicago, Ill. After completing a degree and certificate in education, she taught math and English for one year at Sacred Heart Academy, then transferred to St. Augustine in Richmond, Mich., to teach junior high and high school math. In 1958 she returned to Springfield to begin a 25-year stay at SHA, where she taught religion and math and was prefect at Siena Hall, a residence for SHA boarders. For a period of time she also served as athletic director at SHA An 8-year interruption in her long years of service at SHA/Sacred Heart-Griffin took her first to Routt High School, Jacksonville (1983-1986), and Marian Catholic, Chicago Heights, Ill., (1986-1991) where she taught math and served as guidance counselor (Routt) and girls’ athletic director (Marian Catholic).

In 1991 she returned to SHG, completing her long years of educational ministry in 2013 as alumni coordinator at the school to which she lovingly gave 48 of 69 years of religious profession.

Sister Diana was preceded in death by parents and her brothers James and John Doyle. She is survived by her sister-in-law Helen Doyle, Glenview, Ill., four nephews and five nieces, many dear friends and former students, and her Dominican Sisters.

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7 thoughts on “Sister M. Diana Doyle, OP”

  1. One of my all time favorite teachers at SHA…challenging yet caring…always with a sense of humor. I, also, enjoyed working with her in her later years volunteering at SHG. Many memories!! So appreciate the love of math she instilled in me!

  2. Rachel Costa Savage

    Sr. Diana was a friend of my moms from way back. I was the last of a long line of girls to go thru SHA and she never got my name wrong 🙂 I am glad she has touched so many people along her years as an educator and dedicated woman of Christ. R.I. P Sr. Diana.

    Rachel Costa Savage

  3. While I was never smart enough to be a math student in her class, she got to know me very well over the years, long after I had graduated, when my own children entered SHG. If she asked for your help, it was useless to say no…she would wear you down with convincing looks and lots of conversation. Don’t think no was a word she was comfortable hearing! I loved her spirit and love of life! May she Rest In Peace!

  4. I have fond memories of Sister Diana during SHA and through the alumni
    and also through my volunteering through Domenican Associates. She never forgot a name and you would always recognize he voice in a room, May she rest in peace.

  5. Cheryl Schroeder 64

    Sr. Diana was a pivotal part of my development at SHA as a boarder grad 1964. She taught my math classes for four straight years and was Constantly needling me to try Harder to get straight A’s. (I was much more interested in having fun). Her humor and liveliness was infectious!!
    Even after graduation we kept in touch with many visits to see her whenever I was near Springfield.
    Once at a reunion while I was signing in, she loudly called me out for gaining weight…I came back with “if that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black!” We both had a good belly laugh over that I loved her dearly and am grateful for her impact in my life RIP Dear Friend ❤️

  6. Maureen Keating Wolosick

    Sr. Diana was my math teacher for my freshman and senior years. I was one of those kids who needed to be pushed to work harder, and she was the one to do that! So when I majored in Math in college, no one was happier than she was.
    She was a great mentor, and an integral part of SHA/SH-G. May she Rest In Peace!

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