
Sister Judine Hilbing, OP

Sister Judine Hilbing has faithfully served in the ministry of education for 60 years. She was born in Quincy, Ill., and baptized at St. Peter’s Church. She had three siblings; her brother Jack is deceased; her sister Mary Eling resides in Quincy; and her sister, Springfield Dominican Sister Judith Hilbing, lives with her at St. Martin dePorres Convent in South Chicago.

Her educational degrees are from St. Ambrose University, the University of Illinois, and Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville where she earned a certificate in administration.

For 21 years Sister Judine taught elementary school, making an impact on students at St. Agnes and Christ the King in Springfield and Holy Family in Decatur as well as St. Walter in Chicago and St. Thomas More in Elgin.

For the next 32 years she was a school administrator, first at St. John Neumann, Maryville, then at St. Michael and Immaculate Conception in Chicago. For 8 years she was president of Marian Catholic High School in Chicago Heights and continues to minister there today as director of the scholarship and tuition assistance program. She also served for a time as the director of the food pantry at St. Irenaeus, Park Forest, Ill.

“Living as a vowed religious is a dynamic and ever-changing opportunity to be immersed in Gospel values.” Sister Judine said. “Throughout these sixty years, I have been nourished by situations and relationships that have deepened my appreciation for God and all Creation. I find joy most easily when I embrace each day of my earthly journey as a precious gift of the Spirit.”

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11 thoughts on “Sister Judine Hilbing, OP”

  1. Congratulations Sister Judine! You were a favorite teacher of our children at Christ the King School. (Mary Kate,Tim and Fred Schlosser)…I can’ t remember which one or ones you taught but they all wanted to be in your class! The picture of you is lovely and exactly how I remember you! I think you were also in the choir with us. We had so much fun! Enjoy your jubilee celebration and know that so many of us have fond memories of you!

  2. Congratulations to my aunt, Sister Judine. My whole life, you have been a wonderful model of faith, love, happiness and generosity!

  3. Jackie Claxton and Family

    Congratulations Sister Judine! Thank you for all you do and have done all these years to help students receive a Catholic education. You are a wonderful blessing!

  4. Hi Sister!
    Congratulations on 60 years!! Not sure which of my siblings you may have had at Christ the King, Tracie, Lorrie, Ellie, Bill, but my mom Yvonne Butcher enjoyed you very much!;) Didn t you sing in the choir too?:) Thank you for your dedication!

  5. Hi Sister JUDINE! Congrats! Job well done!! Sharon Ax & family (You were Principal of Michael Ax – St. John Neuman, Maryville, IL)!!

  6. Sister Judine, you were such a tremendous help when my daughter( Kyla) went to Marian. I also enjoyed helping with the garden during the beautification time for the school. CONGRATULATIONS for the 60 years of dedication! Many more BLESSINGS your way… 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💕

  7. Br. Mariano Di Cristofano OSB

    Congratulations Sister! It was a joy to work for you at St. Michael’s and Immaculate Conception. May God bless you.

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